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Everyone began to arrive one by one and we drank some wine while we waited 'til it was 12:00 so they could open their gifts.

Bill had his hand on my waist the whole time and didn't leave my side unless he had to use the bathroom.
Tom was with Heidi and my parents were preventing my little siblings from unwrapping the gifts.

Bill placed his wine down on the counter and rested his head onto my shoulder while he hugged me from behind. I stroked his hair and he let out a soft groan.
"What's wrong?" I asked and he nuzzled against my neck.
-"I don't know.." he replied. He was probably just tired or drunk.

I drank the last sips of my wine and placed it onto the counter and wrapped my arms around his neck, swaying us side to side. He smiled softly and pressed his lips against mines. I smiled against his lips and my Dad called me over. I knew he only did that because he still doesn't like the idea of me kissing my future husband in front of him. I roll my eyes and groan before pulling away from Bill and walking over to my Dad.

"Can you get me a beer?" He asked.
-"Seriously? They're literally right there." I say and gesture towards the beers.
-"I know but get me one." He said and I grabbed a beer and handed it to him before making my way back to Bill.

I saw Bill, Tom, Georg, and Gustav heading to the back yard and I didn't wanna bother them so I stayed inside.


It was 11:59 and my little sister came running towards me, tapping me repeatedly.
"What happened?" I asked and looked down at her.
-"It's 12:00!! Can I open my present?!" She jumped happily and I didn't know if I should say yes or no.
-"Uhm, how about we wait 'til others find out it's 12:00?" I replied and she nodded before walking away.

A few minutes later, everyone and I mean everyone knew it was 12:00 all of the sudden. I saw everyone gather around the living room and my little sister was grinning happily. She must've told the whole wide world it was 12:00.

My Mom helped me hand out the gifts and they began to unwrap them. I handed Bill his and sat next to him.
He smiled and looked at me with adoration filling his eyes.
He unwrapped his gift to reveal makeup since he was running out and he didn't feel like buying new ones.

He grinned happily and looked up at me before pulling me in for a tight hug.
I return the hug and he kisses my cheek affectionally.

We pulled away and he handed me mines. It was a small box. I unwrapped it and opened it up to see a..paper?

I make a confused look and grabbed the paper. I opened it and it read,
"Will you marry me?"

My eyes widened as I look to see Bill on one knee, holding the ring in his hands. My jaw dropped as I felt my eyes on the verge of tears.
"Will you?" Bill asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, Bill..I've waiting for this question." I say as tears slowly streamed down my cheeks. He slowly placed the ring onto my finger and he stood up. I immediately jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly as everyone cheered and clapped.

I knew my Dad wasn't happy..lord, please help me.

"I love you." Bill whispered into my ear and I pressed a soft kiss onto his lips.
-"I love you too." I say and he smiles, pressing his forehead against mines and placed his hands onto my hips.

My Mom came to congratulate me.
"I'm so happy for you!!" She exclaimed happily and Bill pulled away so she could hug me. I smiled and hugged her back.
-"Thank you!!"

Our family began to congratulate us and hug us.
"We are really excited to see the wedding!!" Heidi smiled and held my hands.
-"I'm expecting you two." I say, raising my brows.
-"We'll be there, I promise!! I'm not missing this special day." She laughed and pulled me into a hug.
-"I'm so happy to see that he finally proposed to you. I've always seen how happy you guys are when y'all are together and it just makes me happy." She says and pulls away. I smiled softly at her comment and thanked her.

My little brother came up to Bill and asked him why he put a ring on my finger and he explained what a proposal was since he's only 3 and doesn't understand and seeing him with my little brothers gave me really, really bad baby fever..
(I want a baby with Bill..like, literally)

"Ohh! So that's why she cries?" He laughed and Bill nodded.
-"It was emotional for her." He said.
-"Ohh!" My brother said and hugged me by my legs.
-"I'm happy for you, N/n!!" He smiled and I kneeled down to hug him back.
-"Thank you" I smiled and he went back to Bill to give him a hug.

The hugs he gives Bill will always be bigger than the hugs he ever gave me. He and Bill have a really strong connection and you'll see them hanging out with each other when he comes over. They got closer when Bill helped him build a rocket ship Lego thing.


After everyone left, me and Bill picked up the wrapping paper 'cause we both knew if we didn't do it now, we wouldn't do it in the morning.

We cleaned up the house and headed upstairs after. Bill was walking behind me, holding me by my waist as we went up.

I placed my hands onto his as we made our way into the bedroom.

I crawled into bed and Bill joined me after. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him before closing his eyes and falling to sleep.

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