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Me and my friend were outside of the school building, talking to each other. I was holding onto my notebooks and binder since I didn't bring my backpack and just a purse. It was early in the morning and class didn't start until the bell rang. There was so many people chattering and screaming and I was getting annoyed.

If this morning couldn't get any worse, some asshole decided they wanted to be cool and pull up in a motorcycle, revving the engine like there was no tomorrow. My attention went to the motorcycle. There was a tall skinny dude on it. He pulled off his helmet and this mohawk popped out. How did he even manage to fit that in there? He was wearing black leather clothes with a belt and some accessories. He was also wearing black makeup. Almost as if emo was his style.

Once he stepped up off his motorcycle, he was even taller than I thought. He stood about 6'0? Maybe? I'm not sure but the guy was really tall..

"Woah, who is that?" My friend Samantha said, looking at the new kid.

"I don't know. I've never seen him here. Do you think he's new?" I ask, my eyes never leaving the punk boy.

"Go ask him." She nudged me.

"Are you Crazy? He put me in a bad mood with his loud ass motorcycle." I roll my eyes.

"So? Go talk to him." She pushed me and I stumbled into his arms.

"Woah, watch where you're going, shorty." He said, pushing me off of him.

"Wow, that was rude. I almost busted my ass." I scoff, looking up at him. The sun was hitting my face which made me squint my eyes.

"You're lucky I even caught you in the first place. I could've enjoyed seeing you fall and dirty your clothes." He shrugged. This guy was an asshole.

"Aren't you an asshole?" I shake my head slightly.

"Says the one who has to look up at people when speaking to them." He laughed. I furrowed my brows, backing up from him.

"Except my friend." I gestured over to Sam. She was shorter than me.

"In general. These people are half your size. You're pretty small compared to them, I'm not gonna lie." He continued to taunt me.

"Okay, nerd." I roll my eyes.

"You look like you're name would be 'cutie patootie' or something."

"Ha-ha, very funny." I say sarcastically.
-"it's actually Y/n. Get it right." I snap my fingers at him.

"Okay, miss sassy. I get it. I'm Bill." He chuckled.

"Nice to meet you. It wasn't very pleasant but I guess." I force a small.

"Like my ride?" He smirked, running his hand over his motorcycle.

"It's cool but it's loud as fuck. Go on somewhere else with it." I admit.

"Stay mad. You're definitely my #1 hater." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, especially with that goofy haircut of yours." I laugh. He furrowed his brows and shook his head, pushing me out of the way.

"Excuse you?" I scoff, making my way back to Sam.

"So..how'd it go?" She asked, raising her brows.

"He's a complete asshole. Definitely not boyfriend material." I hold onto my things and the bell rang.

We headed to our classes and guess who was in my first period.

Fucking Bill.

"Seriously?" I mumble to myself, sitting at my desk. My desk has always been empty. No one sat next to me and I was planning on keeping it that way 'cause I like my personal space. BUT this bitch ass teacher thought it was time to get a partner for all these upcoming science projects and sat Bill next to me.

"Thought you could get away, huh?" Bill smirked, sitting down next to me. His haircut really was getting on my nerves.

"Just leave me alone." I sigh, focusing on my paper.

"Why don't you help a friend out? I'm new and I don't know shit." He smiled innocently at me. I sigh deeply and show him my paper. My hand was balled up into a fist and pressed against my cheek. I was already ready to take my ass home. I didn't wanna be at this school at all.

"You're smarter than I thought." He said, copying everything I wrote onto his paper.

"You think I'm gonna be dumb with a pretty face? Bye." I roll my eyes, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"You have too much confidence." He shrugged.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I look at him, my brows furrowed in confusion. Was he calling me ugly?

"I'm just saying." He smirked.
How I would wipe that smirk off his face if I could.

Throughout the whole class period, Bill kept yapping about the most random shit in the world. He was talking about how he has a twin brother but he didn't come today since he was sick off his ass. Obviously I didn't believe him because who misses their first day of school?

"Yeah, right. Like I'd believe that bullshit." I laugh.

"I'll show you tomorrow. Trust and believe." He said, looking at me.

"I bet you 20 bucks you won't show up with a twin brother." I say. He nodded, moving his pencil.

"Bet. Bring your 20 tomorrow, shorty." He smirked and grabbed his backpack when the bell rang.

May we praise the lord for giving me 4 classes with him and not 9. I was free second period and I could finally breath and have some peace and quiet. Although I did forget that this one boy keeps messing with me every single day.

"Emo girl, what's the answers?" He said, throwing a paper ball at me.
I sigh and grab the paper ball, throwing it back at him aggressively.

"Suck my dick, asshole. It's not my fault you don't know shit." I throw a textbook at him while the teacher was turned around.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled. The teacher turned around and had enough of us two.

She sent both of out and I wasn't gonna stay with this cunt. I headed to the girls bathroom and stayed in there for the rest of the class period.

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 :: ☆Where stories live. Discover now