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𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗱𝗼 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀🙏🏼.

I went to science class and sat next to Bill.
"Hey!!" He smiled happily and I returned it.

"Alright, get with your partners everyone and work on this project. Remember! It's a major grade!" The teacher said and sat at her desk.

"Okay, I already have all the materials we need at my house, so we can just plan it out on paper in school." He said and pulled out a pen and paper, writing down both our names and titled it, "Science Project"

We began to brainstorm and he said he wanted to do a volcano shooting out lava or something like that.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'll be back." I say and he nods. I got up from my seat and asked the teacher if I could use the bathroom and she said it was okay.

I stepped out of the classroom and headed to the bathroom, only to see girls giggling and fixing up their makeup. When they saw me walk in, their faces immediately turned and filled up with disgust, looking me up and down, making me feel vulnerable.

I ignored them and stepped into a stall, shutting and locking it. I pulled out the pill and heard them whispering.
"I heard that she doesn't have a Dad and was put into a foster home." One of them laughed as the others giggled.
I frowned slightly at the thought of my Dad and put the pill in my mouth.

The girls left after awhile and I stepped out of the stall, washing my hands and looking at myself in the mirror. I rubbed my face and thought, "damn, I need to get some sleep.."

I groaned softly and made my way back to class, bumping into some of the lockers on the way back.

I yawned and made my way back to Bill where he gave me a concerned look.
"You okay?" He asked.
-"I'm fine" I forced a smile and he nodded before explaining his idea.


Bill was coming over to my house so I cleaned up my room as best as I could and hid anything that seemed suspicious.
The doorbell rang and I made my way to the door and opened it.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it." I smiled softly, fixing my hair that was all over my face due to how quickly I was cleaning my room.
-"Yeah, I'm glad you let me come." He smiled and I opened the door wider so he could come in. Once he came in, I closed the door and we went up to my room.

He gasped softly and examined my room.
"I like your posters and albums." He complimented.
-"Thanks" I responded and I put on a movie.

"I have a question." Bill said, sitting next to me on my bed.
-"what is it?" I asked.
-"Why do you wear that jacket everyday? I've never seen you take it off." He said, tilting his head slightly.
-"Oh, it's a jacket my Dad bought me so I wore it ever since.." I lied. I didn't want him or anyone to see what was under this jacket that always hides me.

"Oh, I'm sorry if that was rude." He apologized.
-"It's fine. You're good." I smiled and we watched the movie.


Y/n and Bill both fell asleep on the bed while the movie kept playing. Y/N's Mom didn't arrive back home 'til 6:00 in the morning since she was the one providing for the both of them.

Y/N's eyes slowly fluttered open, making her let out a soft groan in tiredness. The girl got off her bed, noticing that Bill was asleep. His chest moving up and down like a sleeping cat.
(Corny ahh)
She got off her bed slowly so she wouldn't wake him and she could feel her body all sticky from sweat. She made a disgusted face expression and unzipped her jacket which made Bill shift slightly on the bed.

She moved her hair out of her face and she saw her figure in the mirror. Her scars were visible and her eyes were puffy and half closed.

As she was about to grab some clothes for a shower, she saw Bill's figure in the mirror. He looked both shocked and worried as he examined her body in the mirror. The girl gasped and quickly put her jacket back on as if nothing just happened.

Bill wanted to speak but nothing came out of his mouth. He was too shocked to even say anything. He was worried about her but he didn't wanna seem rude to ask her anything or bring it up.

"Uhm, sorry if I woke you.." Y/n said, hoping to make him forget about what he just saw.
-"It's okay..I just, uhm.." He let out, unable to find the proper words for this situation.
-"Okay, do you want water?" The girl asked with a forced smile, making him shake his head.

"Y/n, can we talk?..If you're comfortable, of course." He said and her heart began to beat rapidly. Her anxiety began to rise as she sat on her bed next to him.
-"about?" She played dumb.

"About what just happened a few minutes ago..?" He shrugged and was already preparing herself for the worst.
-"I guess.." she let out.

"Can I ask why you have those sc-" he let out but stopped himself mid-sentence. Bill didn't wanna bring up her scars 'cause he didn't wanna seem disrespectful.
-"I'm sorry, I don't know why I even brought it up. I'm sorry, I feel like a horrible person, I'm sorry." He apologized over and over and it just made her seem like she could talk to him so she decided to tell him.

"It's okay. I just..started hurting myself to release some pain because I didn't have any other way to forget about my Dad and.." she explained but she didn't wanna tell him that she's also been taking pills that could possibly kill her.

When Bill heard those words come out of her mouth, his heart began to ache and he wanted nothing more but to hold her in his arms. He knows he just started talking to her but he feels that she's his best friend and he never wants anyone to feel this way.

"Don't tell anyone, I'm only telling you because I trust you but..I have been taking these pills and they make me high..they make me forget all of my pain and makes me feel free." She admitted and Bill's jaw dropped slightly.
-"Y/n.." he said, a frown on his face, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm sorry, it's like..I can't do this anymore." She said, her eyes slowly filling up with tears.
-"Don't apologize.." Bill said, placing a hand onto her cheek.

"I know it makes you feel relieved but it's only making you feel worse..It's not actually helping you, it's just your mind making you think that. In reality, you're only hurting yourself and your health..Do you know that you could lose your life doing things like this?" Bill said, his eyes focused on hers which were already streaming with tears.

"I know.." she murmured, sobbing quietly and he felt her tears fall onto his hand.
-"Please don't do this to yourself..You have so much to live for. You're my best friend and you make me feel worthy of myself..I need you, Y/n..Please.." Bill said in a gentle tone, hoping she'd understand what he's trying to say.

She frowned slightly and buried her face into the crook of his neck, sobbing quietly and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as she cried into his arms. She hugged him tightly and she began to sob uncontrollably, her breathing became faster.

Bill ran his hand up and down her back, rocking her slightly.
"Shh, you're okay.." he said in a soothing voice, trying to calm her down from her panic attack.
-"I'm here.." he said softly, stroking her hair gently.

After awhile, Y/n calmed down and fell asleep on Bill.

Bill didn't mind as long as she was close with him in his arms.

I know this is ass, forgive me, baby girls🙏🏼.

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 :: ☆Where stories live. Discover now