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I was preparing to go to Tokio Hotel's new concert and I was genuinely so excited!! I was able to purchase front row tickets and I was so grateful that I'd be able to see them up close. I bought a bouquet of flowers and I'm hoping they let me in with them because I wanna give them to Bill.

I bought a letter and secured it into the bouquet. I also wrote my number in there if he wanted to give me a call which I highly doubt.

Anyways, I got dressed and did my makeup and hair. I went to go eat my Chick-Fil-A that I ordered not too long ago. After that, I brushed my teeth and headed on the road.

I drove to their concert, blasting their songs in my car, singing my heart out and people stared at me. I didn't really care 'cause I was too excited to see them.

After awhile, I pulled up and parked my car. I already saw so many people and it reminded me of how it used to look back then in the 2000s. There was always so many girls screaming and I was one of them..But that's not the point.

I was able to get in after 300 other girls went in and I got my front row. I was so excited, I couldn't even breath.
There was other girls who had a camera around there neck and posters. It was like I time traveled back. There was posters that said, 'I Tom' with pictures of him now and older.
Same shit from years ago but I didn't mind.

I waited patiently until the lights dimmed. Girls began to scream loudly and I couldn't even scream right now. I was super excited, I started jumping slightly.

The lights turned on, revealing Tom running in, holding his guitar. Girls went wild! Then Georg, same thing. I went crazy. Gustav, walking to his drums. I went feral. Then my husband, Bill. I screamed so loud that my voice cracked and made a high pitched sound. I hope I was the loudest screaming.

He was holding his mic and he looked so fucking cute and fine. I would honestly let him hit if he wanted to.
Anyways, They began to play and Bill's voice caught me so off guard. I am so in love with someone who doesn't know I exist. He doesn't even know I'm standing right in front of him. His tall figure makes me wanna stand on my toes and kiss him. Gosh, I want him..

He still does his little dance moves like he used to and I love him for that. He still looks the same to me but others say that he's changed. I don't see it. All I see is a beautiful handsome man who has found his happiness and the least I could do is support him. His style might've changed but that doesn't change his personality.

I sang my lungs out to their songs, tears almost streaming down my cheeks. The only time they have noticed me was when I saw them walking outside. At that time I didn't know who they were. We were around 11 years old at the time. I wish I knew who they would become in the future. I gave them a smile and the smiles back, waving politely. I waved back and we never saw each other again until I saw the same boys on magazines and posters.
I will Never forget that day.

The concert was finished and Bill always has to thank everyone for coming.
"Thank You so much for taking a few hours of your life to watch us play. It really means a lot to us and we couldn't ask for more. You guys have followed us through our journey and we're glad to call each and every one of you our fans. We love you guys so much and we hope you had an amazing time as much as we did! Danke!" He smiled, the girls screaming.

"Bill!!" I screamed, waving my hand and jumping, hoping to get his attention which was a slight percent chance.

He was fixing his outfit and his eyes landed on me. My heart skipped a beat as he smiled.
"Bill!" I said, breathing heavily as I handed him my bouquet.

"Oh, is this for me?" He asked, gently grabbing them from my hand.
-"Yes, I'm sorry if you don't like them." I apologize as girls tried to reach for him but he backed away.
-"Thank You so much! They are very beautiful" he said, smelling them.
-"You're welcome!" I smiled and he returned it, holding the bouquet in his hand as they waved goodbye.

He blew kissed to the whole crowd and one specifically for me. I almost passed out. I felt my cheeks flush and then remembered I didn't record shit..
I bawled my eyes out as I went to my car and drove home, blasting their music.

You may have not gotten to record but I'm not gonna re-type everything! Just pretend you recorded!

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 :: ☆Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum