chapter : 7

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I am sitting in the kitchen of Ruangroj
Mansion. The whole family is together for the marriage of the youngest daughter of their family - lisa, Singto's 2nd uncle's daughter. I didn’t wanna come at first but Singto dragged me here. It was awkward. Everyone was staring at me. I wanted to dig a hole on the ground and bury myself. So I took a shelter in this kitchen.

I was helping the cook, uncle jemmy.
We used to work together before.
He is the only one in this house who welcomed me with open heart.

"Krist, cut the salad. The dressing is prepared."
"Ok. But eat this salad. Before no one had them."
Jemmy uncle was busy with the preparations, "zeze"
"You don't have to work all day just to avoid them. You can hide in your room also"
I looked at uncle awkwardly, "no uncle, i like to help you, and it’s a family function, i am an outsider. i don’t have any work there."
"Your parents would be really proud of you. You are a filial son"
"I don’t think so. It would be a disgrace for them to see me leading this life, a mistress life."

Uncle took my hand and made me seat in a tool. He brought a cup from the freeze.
"Have this"
My eyes lit, "mango pudding!"
He smiled, "i made it yesterday for you, in the past you could not have much  but now they won't even notice"
I ate it with content in my heart.

It was the time for lunch now.
I didn’t go to serve. The maids were arranging everything. After their lunch, all the servants sat to have their food in the servants common room. I also sat there. Uncle jemmy put an extra piece of apple in my plate, but soon it was snatched out of my plate. It was so fast that i didn’t have the time to comprehend.

"What did you do to have extra food, huh? We are breaking our bones here. But no the slut gets extra food just because he sells his ass"
It was Nina, a maid. She always used to get in fights with me. Actually Nina had a crush on Singto from childhood. He even had night relations with her.

I just looked down, I knew what will come next if I answered back. And what she said isn’t wrong completely.
"Nina,  It’s my portion. I gave it to him. He helped me to cook for 50 family members three times from the last two days, alone. And don't even think about insulting him next time"
Uncle jemmy scolded her.
She just stormed out fuming. Uncle jemmy is the oldest servant here. So no one can defy him. If I was alone now, then she would have insulted me more, like the past.
Uncle caressed my head, "don’t listen to her, have your food, you are too skinny"
I tried to eat, but my hunger was long gone.

I am sleeping in my old room.
And Singto also didn’t come looking for me. I don’t know what was that nagging feeling in my heart.
Like i wished for him to come.
I know perfectly he must be enjoying his time with his family, with his wife.
With thinking all this I drifted to sleep.

"Krist, Krist, Krist"
I opened my dizzy eyes.
It was still morning. But why do I feel like sleeping for hours. My backside was paining.
"Kriissst" uncle was shaking me.
"Huh.. Huh"
"You should wake up. It's nine in the morning. You didn’t eat the dinner?"
"What? I slept in the evening"
"Oh..  What should I do with you? How long are you sleeping?"
I tried to sit but failed. Uncle helped me.
"I don’t know uncle. I am feeling sleepy for the last few days. But today i didn’t know why i felt this weak"
Uncle stared at me for few seconds.
"Do you feel anything else?"
"Huuh.. Can't tell. I feel a smell, a weird smell all the times."
He stood there still, "ok if you feel anything else just tell me first"
I just nodded.

After showering, I went to the main mansion. Everyone has been called there. At first I thought not to go.
But uncle said twice. And I could not say no twice.

It was a fastive mood. Everyone was gossiping, dancing, dressing nice, having cocktail. A maid came to me said to go to Aunt Maprang's room.
What would aunty want from me?
Will she insult me?
Or name called me?

I knocked at the black wooden door,
"Come in" aunty's sweet voice came.
I peeked inside, "aunty"
She looked at me - surprise was evident on her face.
"Come Krist"
I took slow steps - afraid if I would face anything worst.
But the opposite happened.
She hugged me and kissed my head.
She put me on the bed and sat beside me, "how are you my boy"
She was smiling, like a really genuine smile.

She took my both hands and started tearing, "forgive me my boy,  forgive aunt, i could not take care of you, i could not fulfil my promise to your mom, forgive me - i could not raise my son well."
I started crying after her apology.
No one ever apologised to me.
A maid knocked - she had a tray of food in her had.
Aunty took the food. She offered me to eat, "I am sorry I didn’t know you would face this insult. I thought you would have some free time, away from Singto here. But i failed to protect you in my ow home. Forgive this aunt. I pushed Singto to bring you here"
"No aunt. Don't apologise for another person's sin. You are the only human who helped me here. Just don’t. I now just want to survive. And thank you for involving here. I felt good"
After our chitchat, she brought me downstairs.

She made me sit beside here. They were choosing dresses for the engagement party. I just sat with my head downcast.
"That blue suit. Give me that"
Aunt put that blue suit around me.
"What do you think? Or should I select another one?"
I felt everyone's heated gaze on me.
"I don't need it aunt. I have my own clothes"
Zeze suddenly snickered, "what? Your clothes? Those were also bought with my husband’s money"
Every relative present there started laughing. I shed tears looking at my lap - this is the only thing I could do.

"Zeze hold your tongue. He is my son"
Zeze started laughing, "then he is sleeping with his brother, that's worse"

I couldn’t take the humiliation anymore. I ran out of that mansion.
I ran and ran, didn’t know where my legs took me. When my adrenaline rush worn out, a scent filled my nostrils. I looked around it was a tangerine garden, behind the mansion. My mouth watered. All I thought - I had to have this, now.

I picked some and started having it.
It was ecstasy - delicious.
I was having it continuously.
I didn’t know how much I already had. But it was so good. I could live on this.

"Krist, what are you doing here?"
The gardener uncle was startled after seeing me.
"Oh. Uncle how are you? I was just having some fruite. I hope it’s not a problem"
"No no. But I thought some thief was here"
I laughed and we started having conversations. Suddenly a call came to uncle's phone.
He talked for some time. He looked worried, "you should go inside"
"Why" i looked puzzled.
"Master is looking for you"
My inside trembled in fear.
"No I won't go"
"Please. I would be fired"
I looked at him - Singto can do this.
Nodding I went towards the mansion.
Another humiliation is waiting.

I could hear screams - loud female screams. When I went inside, I saw all those females were sobbing - aunt maprang sitting in a chair looking in distress. No one noticed me till then.
"Stop screaming or I will pull out all of yours tongue"
After a lot of days, I saw Singto.
Somewhere in my heart it felt relief.

Singto was so furious - like the devil.
He was red, fuming.
Zeze was really crying loudly.
"I am sorry Singto please. Don't do anything to my family. Please I beg you" singto just kicked her.

"You should have thought about that before. You thought you can just insult my Love infront of this shit family members."

A man came clutching Nina's hair - dragging her to the room.
"Master here she is"
"Master leave me, I beg you please"
"Uncle jemmy told me what you did"
She was sobbing, begging but Singto took a glass jar and broke it on her head.

Suddenly she looked at me,
"Krist, please tell master to leave me"
Now everyone in the room was looking at me.

Singto shouted, "where were you"
With the gun in his hand, he marched towards me.
Shivering I saw stars in my eyes.
And My eyes darkened.
I started throwing up.

Singto in a second took me in his arms. And caressed me saying sweettalks.

He put me in his lap and the doctor was checking me.
I just stayed limp.
The doctor looked nervous for some reason.
"How is it possible?"
Singto barked,"what"
"I can't say with surety but he seems pregnant "


@PetroDactyl this is for you..❤️

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