chapter : 10

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The whole mansion is celebrating.
The birth of the Prince.
Zeze's son...

He is flying in the sky with happiness.
The entire clan is beaming.

And me?
I am more relieved. My child won't take the burden of being the first born. I am happy. My date is due.

Now i would have to go to the hospital anytime soon. Uncle jemmy isn’t leaving my sight.. Not even for a second. I know he is regretful.
I got out of the hospital two weeks ago. The doctor uncle warned me to take it easy or this time i would have to stay long at the hospital or maybe for the last few days..
My whole pregnancy is quite eventful after that day i fainted.

But the person I need the most now isn’t with me.. After that eventful day he doesn’t speak much to me.
He comes three times a day - to feed me, more like feeding his child.
The doctor wanted to reveal the gender but I refused.

From today morning I have been feeling restless. There were few contractions also. But I didn’t tell anyone. I don’t want to create chaos.
Zeze would blame me..
It's her son's naming ceremony.
A huge commotion was heard even from my villa.

Suddenly i felt a strong pain in my belly. I drank a few sip of water.
But still it didn’t stop.
I called doctor uncle.
He said i should go to the hospital.
But there is no one.
Whom should i call.

After struggling to walk for twenty minutes, I came to gardener uncle's home.
I knocked.
"Who is it"
He said from inside.
"It’s me uncle"
He abruptly opened the door
"What happened? Are you ok?"
Hyperventilating "my water broke"
He started panicking.
"We should be informing Master"
"No...Not. They are celebrating today. Just to the hospital"


"I can't. Please help me."
"It will be finished in a minute. Try taking deep breathe."
The nurse was ensuring me again and again. The doctor uncle was a little late. More like twenty minutes late.

Now we are in the operation theatre.
Gardener uncle helped me.
In his truck.

I don’t know how i reached here.
But all along I was only thinking about Singto.
But I won't call him. He is probably happy with his family.
"Krist, are you listening to me?"
And i don't know what happened after that.


It’s painful. Really painful.
I can't point out where it’s not paining.

A hand touched my face.
I whimpered at the coldness.
"Can you listen to me?"
I nodded in dizziness.
"Doctor he has woken up"
I whimpered at the loud noise.
And I again blacked out.


I am feeling that hand again.
It feels good.
The affection i am sensing.
I want more.
I want to open my eyes but i can't.
Something is pulling me tight.


This time I am hearing a beeping sound. It's annoying.
Someone please make it stop.
I want to shout but nothing's coming out.

It's distressing.
Suddenly i felt that touch again.
It made me calm.
How i wish i could see who it was.

"Calm down, love. It's ok. Calm down"
The voice said.
It's familiar.
My nerves realised the tension it was gripping tight.
"I am here. Let's take a deep breathe."
And i dripped down to sleep again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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