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This will be all disclaimers for my story, and I would appreciate you reading them!

I do not write smut. If I do write it, I leave it on a cliffhanger. I get people hate that and sometimes I do too, yet I don't like going into detail about smut and it makes me uncomfortable to write.

I am a shifter!! This book is based off my dr!!

There are changes to this story such as certain characters living, different characters having different lines, Karsten not killing anyone, ETC.

I have not read the books; this story is solely based on the show.

my storyline might not always add up correctly, but I am trying my best.

This book obviously includes cursing, talk of the death of a parent/sibling, sex, guns, violence, etc. If you cannot handle these topics, you can exit this book at any moment :)

And obviously, I do not own The 100

I think that's all the disclaimers you will need. If I add any more, I'll let you know and if you have any you think I should add please tell me. Other than that, please enjoy, The Exception :)

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