Chapter 10 || Episode 5 Part 1

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I was sitting with Azalea and Octavia outside the tents with a small fire in the middle of us. We were playing games like Fuck, marry, kill, and Truth or Dare. Anything to distract us from the day before. "Ok. Fuck, marry, kill," Azalea looks around trying to look for unsuspecting victims for our games. "Um, Luke, Gage, or," Azalea laughs as she begins to talk again, "Bellamy." 

"Gross, Azalea. Really, really gross. Kill him, obviously." Octavia groans, "That wasn't fair." I agreed with Octavia on the gross part. The thought of having to fuck or even, get that close to Bellamy, made shivers send down my spine and not in a good way.

"Seriously, Lea? Miles has rubbed off on you too much." I tease Azalea about her extended time with Miles since we landed. Azalea scoffs about to whip out a comeback when a giant whooshing sound right above the camp cuts her off. I whip my head around to see a pod come crashing down from the sky as a parachute deploys from behind it, slowing down its burning landing. 

"What in the world?" Azalea mumbled as I stood up making my way to a group of people that didn't waste time crowding around to get a better look at the pod.

"Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia calls out as she makes her way behind me. I hear heavy boots shuffle close to me as I'm greeted by a shirtless Bellamy. I take a glance up and down his torso, almost making eye contact with him, before looking back into the night sky that was being lit up by this one pod.

"It looks like another dropship or pod from the Ark," Azalea mentioned as others agreed with her.

"Now, we can kick some grounder ass." A dark-skinned boy, who was also shirtless, smirks. I'm guessing he thought the Ark was bringing down weapons. 

"No way they send weapons down here. Probably food rations or water, you know, essential stuff. No matter what it is, it might help us." I tell the boy behind me as he rolls his eyes.

"Leave it to The Exception to know everything." He grumbles, I purposefully step back on his bare feet with my boots as he makes a high pitch noise pushing me back off him. Azalea snickers as she takes the hand closest to me from her hip and lowers it to mine as I high-five it. I look once more at the pod as it crashes past the trees. I look at Bellamy who seemed more concerned than excited. I give him a questioning look when he finally makes eye contact with me. He swiftly avoids my eyes and turns around to return to his tent. 


Bellamy and a couple of other guys went into his tent as they conjured up a plan on what to do. I didn't know why I couldn't go in there, but Bellamy refused. I was annoyed, but just decided to take this opportunity to gather my pack for the trip, I had a feeling we were going to embark on. I was finishing getting my pack ready to leave camp when Luke, the blonde boy who helped me after I found Wells, walked into my tent. "Hey Luke, what's up?" I asked him as I put my pack around my shoulder. After I found Wells, Luke was really sweet and caring that week; constantly checking up on me and helping me with simple tasks. We had eventually grown to be close friends. We even established weekly checkups on one another just to stay up to date.

"Nothing much. Just letting you know, Bellamy doesn't want to leave until daylight," Luke said as he leaned his back on the wooden table, Gage, a quiet but funny boy I had met a couple of days ago, had made for a couple of people in camp who had to share tents. 

"What?" I questioned Luke as I took the pack off my shoulder and placed it on the table Luke leaned on. "Why?"

"He said it was too risky." Luke shrugged as I stormed out of my tent going to find Bellamy. I spot him talking to Octavia just a few steps from my tent. I rush up to him as Octavia leaves.

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