Chapter 5 || Episode 3 Part 1

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I was upstairs on the second level of the dropship staring at Clarke's watch that she let me borrow as I timed Jasper's pulse. It was 380, I knew it was going to be high because Jasper was in a lot of pain and unconscious. Yet, I was still going to double-check with Clarke to make sure. I spent some time on the Ark with Abby in the medical center helping with patients. I was even her assistant at one point before I was locked up. I learned many things from her but never as much as Clarke did. Clarke was Abby's daughter so basically since Clarke's birth, she was learning anything medical-related. It's actually how I got to know Clarke. Yes, I was Kane's daughter so if I didn't at least speak to Clarke now and then, it would've been weird. But I really got to know her when we worked together. Clarke would tell me about the latest technology that her father was working on or whatever new stuff Abby had taught her the day before, she would teach me. Yet, no matter how many medical things I was taught by Clarke or Abby, it was never because of the medicine that I loved working in Medical Station so much. It was mostly because I could help save people. It made me so happy to see families laughing and smiling with each other when they realized their family was going to be okay. I guess that's why I was so determined to save my mom, my brother, and now, Jasper. Not only did I not want to face the feeling you get after someone you love dies, but it was the fact that I didn't want to have to go through days, weeks, or months without seeing them, without experiencing happiness with them. 

"Shut the fuck up!" I hear a boy yell as Jasper moans loudly in pain. He had been moaning like this for the past 3 days since we found him. Let's just say, nobody is a big fan of it.

"Can you die already?" Another one groans. 

"Don't listen to them," I whisper to Jasper. "You're gonna make it through this, ok? promise." I stroke Jasper's hair back as I look up to see Monty staring at me. I tried to smile at him but it was a weak excuse for one. I hear someone climbing up the ladder as Clarke pokes her head over the opening latch.

"Hey, how's he doing?" Clarke asks me.

"His pulse is 380, but that's because of pain, right?" I ask her. She nods her head, gets off the ladder, and walks towards us. 

"Yeah, it's still really high, but yes, it should be because of the pain." I nod my head. I stand up as Clarke takes my spot near Jasper since I've been watching him for a while.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air, yell for me if you need me," I tell Clarke as I make my way down the ladder. I walk past a couple of people lying down in the dropship as some give me a nasty look. I just ignore them, I'm not going to apologize for trying to save my friend. I moved the curtains that hung over the dropship doors to provide privacy for anyone in the dropship as I stepped outside into the cool breeze. Nights were always way cooler than days and I was grateful for that. The days were excruciatingly hot and long so whatever coolness I could get, I would take. Yet, it was never cool enough to keep a jacket on. That's why I gave up my jacket for Jasper's head so he didn't have to lie on the hard ground in the dropship. I look out into the fire and see a bunch of people bundled up close to it, Azalea and Miles being two of those people, as I hear a girl scream. 

"No! No! No!" The girl continues to scream. I look around camp to catch sight of anyone yelling, but I see nothing. The girl's yells continue as I try to follow the sound. It was coming from the right side of the camp kind of away from anyone else. I sprint over there to see a little girl, no older than 12, with blond French braids, pulled back into a bun, rolling around in her sleep. I slow my pace and carefully approach the girl, making sure not to scare her. 

"Hey, wake up." I carefully shake the girl as she jumps awake, staring at me. Tears and sweat run down her face. "Hey, hey, you're ok. It was a dream." The girl looks around afraid, but slowly calming down. "What's your name?" The girl tries to catch her breath as she continues to sit up. 

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