Chapter 4 || Episode 2 Part 2

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We had been walking for a while again. The sun was slowly coming down as we continued wandering in the forest. I had been ignoring everyone and staying in the back since I got put into the group of guys. I had been staring off into the trees watching as birds fly over us, chirping and seeing squirrels play with each other as they jump from tree to tree chasing one another. They seemed to have such peaceful lives. I can't help but be curious about how they survived radiation. How do they know what they can and can't eat because of the radiation? How did they survive all the waves and everything that came with it? This made me think of Hera. My biggest question went to her. How long had she been alive? She didn't look older than a year, but her fur and body said so many other things. It was like she had been there since at least the first wave of radiation, but there was no way that she could be 100 years old, that was impossible. Yet, now that I've seen what I've seen on the ground, it doesn't feel like anything is truly impossible.

"Guess we have more in common than meets the eye, huh?" Bellamy spoke to Wells as Wells watched Clarke and Finn closely.

"We have nothing in common." Wells didn't even so much as glance toward Bellamy. He continued staring Clarke and Finn down as Clarke giggled with Finn.

"No? We both came down here to protect someone we love." This caught Wells's attention, he stared at Bellamy as if he just told him the secret to immortality. "Your secret's safe with me. 'Course, for you it's worse." Bellamy looks back at Wells as they continue walking. "With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here." I roll my eyes, fed up with Bellamy.

"God, do you ever shut up?" I insisted.

"There's multiple ways to shut me up." Bellamy winked at me as he walked backward facing me. I physically recoil as he turns back around laughing. I will admit that Bellamy was attractive. His tan skin, freckles, and muscles made sure of that, but it was the way he acted that made me wanna crawl into a hole and die rather than ever talk to him again.

"Never mind, keep talking. Just ignore him, Wells." I say as I walk in front of Wells, but keeping Bellamy in front of me.

"So, what about you, Karsten?" I look at Bellamy with a blank face.

"What about me?" I ask, trying to get to the point so he would shut up.

"Well, you obviously didn't come down here to protect someone you love, so what'd you do to get locked up?" He eggs me on. "I mean, other than you know, be born or steal?" He continued to smirk at me. I wanted to punch that smirk off his face, it was driving me crazy.

"You technically said it all, Blake." I smiled at him, annoyed.

"C'mon, that isn't all of it. Give me the backstory."

What is his deal? Why won't he leave me alone?

"And why would I tell you?" I ask him. Either he's just that stupid or thinks small smirks and winks will make me willing to tell him anything. Anything that he could easily turn around and use against me.

"Because I'm curious."

Ok, so he's just stupid. Who the fuck responds with "because I'm curious" when asked why you should tell them anything? I was staring at him like he was a wall. I was so confused to the point where I almost didn't know how to respond.

"Wow, I'm convinced!" I sarcastically respond throwing my hands in the air as I give him the most confused facial expression I could think of. He laughs at me as I slam my hands down by my side ignoring him once again.


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