3. Adore you from afar

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K A R V was minding his business but his sudden call disturbed him, he ignored the call and continued what he was doing.

Being 22 , he really well handled everything regarding his business, his elder brother of course managing everything but having karv on his back is everything he needed so far.

Karv is a very reserved person but he dies for his family, everyone knows his nature very well if in the house someone with high anger issues, is him.

He never shouts at his elders as he respects them but for his enemy he's the real hell.

Mr.maheswari aka Rajveer singh is always upset with karv regarding his nature and he is well known about his past accidents , He handled business but he was involved in illegal things in the past.

He is always worried for his second child as he's the most abnormal from them.

In the whole family no one is as daring as him.

He still doesn't know if he's still involved with those things or not, when he asked him why he did that he simply replied that what he did wasn't wrong at all and by the answer he got surprised with him.

But as the time went he also got changed a bit , he was badboy in his school time but whenever he asked why he do such things he always told him " they deserved it" in between all this rajveer beaten him just to make realise his mistakes but he never accept it his faults.

He's stubborn and everyone knows it.

On the other hand yuvaan is a very quiet person and always listens to his dad.

Then someone knocked on his door , he allowed it.

" Karv, You're still awake go and sleep " said yuvaan.

" I'll bhai , you go and don't worry" he said, yuvaan sat beside him and put his hand weight on his shoulder.

" You're focusing on this project, don't you think it's not for the beginners " he said, now karv looks outside of him.

" Yeah , that's why I'm doing this!!" He says.

" I think you're taking so much burden in just a 22 year old brain, " he said as he was concerned about him.

" I'm not , as long as I'm into this my brain will not cheat on me " he said.

He put his specs and again continued, yuvaan shrugged and left the room.

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