18. Human trafficking

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I entered Yuvika's room and noticed a letter lying on the table in a corner.

With a sigh, I picked it up, feeling a bit curious about its contents.

However, I decided it was personal and would wait for Yuvika to explain.

I wanted to find a better hiding place where no one, not even her strict brother, could discover it.

Looking around, an idea sparked in my mind.

I found the perfect spot in a vase, hoping it wouldn't be touched by anyone.

Placing the envelope inside, I turned my attention to the stain.

I headed to the attached washroom and washed the stain with water, managing to make it fade slightly, though not entirely.

Meanwhile, Karv examined the book in his hand titled "Talk to your Soul."

He wondered if they were mature enough to read such a book, but at the same time, he was pleased to see his sister making positive changes after he scolded her.

He believed that improvement was crucial for a happy life.

Just then, he heard footsteps and saw Sheya coming downstairs.

He wanted to express his gratitude for the book she had given Yuvika before leaving for Kolkata.

"Thank you for this and have a safe trip," Karv said warmly.

Sheya looked at him with surprise, not expecting his thanks.

"Thank you? You're welcome," she replied hesitantly.

She started to thought, why was he saying thankyou to her.

It really made her afraid of the situation.

"I mean, you gave Yuvika the book just before leaving for Kolkata. That was very thoughtful of you," Karv explained.

Sheya breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, yes, it's no problem," she said, smiling.

"I'll take my leave now," Sheya said, grabbing her bag and making her exit.

Just then, Karv's phone rang. It was Ritik from the office, informing him of important information that required his presence.

"Sir, I'm ritik. We need your Presence here!! "

"Okay, I'll come," Karv responded before informing the guards that he was leaving.

He got into his car and headed to the office, a well-designed building with high-level security.

Entering the building, he was initially met with darkness, but as he moved forward, lights began to illuminate his path.

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