🪞Chapter Six🪞

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Charlie keeps driving as Cora checks on Embry and Emilia. Embry was just keeping her close and Emilia was trying not to cry in pain." We're nearly there sweetie you hold on okay?" Cora says with a soft smile."

They pull into Sue's drive and they see Niska and the pack are already outside as Sam wants to have a word with Harry about Emilia and Embry."Help! Sue!" Charlie rushes out.

"What do you need help with Chief?" Sam asked coming to the car." Emilia! She says her bones are hurting like they are gonna snap I need Sue's help!" Charlie says getting out."Mom!!!" Niska yells.

Sam opens the door to Embry and Emilia." Hey Emilia, Embry, let me get her so you can get out," Sam says." Hey Emilia, can I lift you out?" Sam asks gently. Emilia shakily nods and Sam lifts her noticing she is hot to touch." AHHH! This hurts!!" Emilia cries out." I know! I know!" Sam says softly.

Niska comes up to Emilia," Hey me and my mom are gonna look after you okay? I'm an intern meaning I'm gonna be a nurse like her soon," Niska says softly touching Emilia's head." You're very hot to touch Emilia," Niska notes.

Sam places Emilia in the bed, and Sue walks in," Everyone out! I want me and Niska in here for now," Sue says." Hi Emilia, I'm Nurse Sue Clearwater, I'm here to help so what's going on sweetie?" Sue says gently." My bones feel like they are breaking and ready to snap, ah!!" Emilia cries out." Mom, she's a forest fox Shifter, could she be shifting now?" Niska whispers.

"Potentially, but how do we tell him that? He got to know? This is his daughter," Sue says softly." You can't expect her to hide this from him it's different as foxes get killed and she will get hunted down and killed by people and dogs," Sue says." It's up to Dad, Billy, and Old Quill to tell him," Niska says.

"Right, I'll treat her for now but they need to tell him just in case she shifts in the next few days or weeks this could just be the start she might not shift yet as this is our first fox Shifter," Sue whispers as Niska nods in agreement.

"Right Emilia, I'm gonna check your temperature sweetie, and let's see if an Epsom salt bath will help stop this pain and give you some relief," Sue smiles softly." Please help I want this to stop now," Emilia whimpers."We will," Niska says softly touching Emilia's head and gently soothing her.

Sue goes out to Charlie." I think she going through a growth thing but not sure so I'm gonna go do an Epsom salt bath to see if that will help stop this pain and give her some relief," Sue says softly smiling." Thank you," Charlie nods.

Sue heads off to find the Epson salt for the bath as Sam jogs after her to help." What's really going on?" Sam asks." Potentially shifting unknown if it is now or later but you all need to keep an eye out for a fox new-looking fox as she will shift, her body is preparing for the change," Sue whispers.

"She should stay on the rez so if she shifts we're ready to help her," Sam whispers." No because what do we tell Charlie if he lets her stay and he comes she gone? We can't say oh she got better and went to Sam's but you can't see her for a while it won't work like that," Sue tells him.

"Can you help bring them bags of salt? I have a twelve-year-old girl in need then everyone but Niska needs to go home, Charlie and Cora can stay," Sue says softly.

Sam nods and they get back to Emilia, " Can everyone go home only family to stay, please? So Charlie, and Cora please go make yourselves comfortable at my house tonight," Sue tells everyone.

"Can I say goodbye to Emilia first?" Embry wonders." Sure be quick," Sue nods and Embry heads in and goes to Emilia's side." Hey, I have to go but I'll call you later okay?" Embry says with a smile.

"Please don't go!" Emilia cries." Emilia he'll come tomorrow okay? Right now you have to let Embry go home as you're in too much pain for him to help right now," Niska says softly stroking her hair.

Embry leaves as does Sam and the boys, Charlie, Harry, and Cora are all sitting down in the living room whilst Niska and Sue do Emilia a bath." Ready Emilia?" Niska whispers as she lifts Emilia off the bed." This hurts what's happening to me?" Emilia asked softly." Just something that happens, you'll be okay soon," Sue says softly smiling at her.

Emilia nods," Now take your clothes off or keep them on I got Seth's clothes here for you to have instead and get the bath, we'll go out and give you privacy," Sue says as she and Niska exit the room.

Emilia tries to climb in but winces in pain."Ahh Niska help me!!" Emilia cries out and Niska reentered the room," I can't get in," Emilia cries." It's okay I'll lift you in sweet girl," Niska whispers as she lifts her in.

Emilia gets placed in the bath and Niska sits with her," Will this end my pain?" Emilia asks tiredly." Hopefully," Niska smiles gently." Thank you, Niska, and tell your momma I said thank you too," Emilia says exhausted." We know you're thankful sweetheart, just relax now okay?" Niska whispers calmly.

Emilia listens and she lets the bath salts do their job she feels the soreness and her pains settling down." This is helping, thank you," Emilia smiles softly. Sue goes to Charlie," She's better now, definitely was growing pains, just needs to be careful any more pains straight here please?" Sue smiles.

"Can we see her?" Cora asks." She's getting changed into Seth's clothes as she went in the bath in her clothes," Sue tells them." But she should be ready?" Sue says." Emilia are you dressed and ready for your dad and Cora to see you?" Sue asks.

"I'm ready, thank you so much, I feel so much better, can I take some of the Epsom bath salts home?" Emilia says shyly as she sits on the bed with Niska by her side."Sure but you're dad has been told to bring you here again just in case," Sue says softly smiling at her." Thank you for your help," Emilia smiles softly.

Sue smiles back and heads out to get Charlie and Cora who enter three minutes later." I'll see you later Emilia, I got to go home now as Sam needs me to help me out," Niska winks." Bye Nisk," Emilia says with a smile." Bye fox," Niska winks. Emilia giggles at her," You're funny," Emilia says with a smile.

Charlie and Cora sit near Emilia," You okay Emilia?" Charlie asks gently touching her hand." Fine I'm sorry, I feel like an idiot for doing this and I want Embry to come back can he?" Emilia says softly.

"No, it's okay sweetie, it's always best to get checked out in case it's never nothing and of course, he can come back. Phone him," Cora says softly kissing Emilia's forehead.

Emilia looks at Charlie who nods," Good for it, he's good for you," Charlie smiles. Emilia brings her phone out and calls Embry who immediately answers.

"Hey Emilia how are you?" Embry asks concerned for her." Better, come back please as I rather talk face to face," Emilia asks softly." I'm coming give me five minutes," Embry says hanging up.

"He's on his way," Emilia grins."I'm so glad that you're feeling better now," Charlie says." Can we go back home now with Embry?" Emilia wonders." Of course, Emilia here are some Epson bath salts for home," Sue says coming in with a bag of Epson salt.

Embry enters with his backpack," Embry!" Emilia squeals climbing off the bed to him and they both hug one another." Good to see you Embry, ready to go home you two?" Charlie asks with a smile. Emilia nods and Embry heads out with the Swans and Emilia holds Embry's hand.

They head back to the Swan residence and Emilia and Embry head straight to bed and Emilia smells a certain Cullen." Disgusting smell," Emilia says lowly so Embry doesn't hear it. Embry and Emilia get settled into bed and Emilia ends up curled up by Embry's side that night.


This chapter is done ✔️ Emilia almost shifted!! Sam and the pack were ready to help her out!! Embry was frightened for her!

How was this chapter?

Are we ready for Emilia to change?

Emilia meets the Cullens properly in Chapter 8👀👀

How do you think everyone will react??

Emilia Dywer- Embry Call Fanfic 🐺Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin