🧗‍♀️Chapter Twenty🧗‍♀️

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It's the day of Cora's gender scan and the pack has volunteered to do a gender reveal that evening for Charlie and Cora. Niska asked Sue to give Emilia the gender result and they'll do the rest.

Niska and Emilia coordinated the party and ensured a lot of the decorations, food, and music." Niska Blue for the boy and Purple for the girl side as they had no pink!"Emilia says with a smile

All of the lads made sure the tables and chairs were done and decorated as Emilia investigated," Can you just straighten this out, please? Thank you!" Emilia grins as her phone rings and sees it is Sue Clearwater." Yes?" Emilia asks softly." Come get the results, please with Niska," Sue tells her." Coming!" Emilia squeals.

"Niska it's time!" Emilia squeals and the duo head off to get the result from Sue who happily gives them the results." Off to the shop to get them to do a balloon and give us eight cannons to shower Cora and Dad with the colour of the child's gender," Emilia says with a grin.

Niska smiles at Emilia and they head to the store to get what they need for the gender reveal get to shop to do a balloon filled with purple or blue confetti and purple or blue smoke.

Emilia and Niska headed back to the gender reveal party where Charlie and Cora were standing there waiting to see if they were having a girl or a boy." Now first of all I'd like to thank Emilia for doing this with everyone's help and support," Charlie says with a smile.

"I'd like to thank Sue for being an amazing support to us and helping us with the pregnancy and I'd like to thank Cora for giving me another child to love alongside my girls," Charlie says with a smile.

"Now let's get to the reveal as I want to see if we are having a girl or boy!" Charlie says as Cora joins his side and the pack standing together with the cannons." FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!" Emilia counts and everyone pulls their cannons as Charlie and Cora pop the balloon and purple smoke and confetti go everywhere.

"It's a girl!!" Cora screams happily and everyone cheers and congratulates the duo." I can't wait to meet Elizabeth! I gonna be the best big sister ever!" Emilia squeals as she gently touches the bump.

Bella has made no contact with Charlie or Emilia since leaving the house and Charlie is at a point where he doesn't care now about her as Bella has been caught drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis and cocaine.

Emilia had been granted permission by Reenee for Cora to adopt her and the social worker and Anthony Lahote all gave their permission for Charlie and Cora to adopt Grace Lahote and Bree Tanner.

Emilia was truly happy and was grateful to have moved to Forks all those months ago as she never would have been happier elsewhere." Hey, pretty little fox what's going on in that head of yours?" Embry asked as he hugged Emilia from behind.

"I'm just thinking about how my life is now perfect and that if I never came here me and I wouldn't have met," Emilia says with a smile." I'm glad you are here too me and you are on patrol tonight. I convinced Sam to let us patrol together as you haven't shifted for a while and you need to," Embry smiles.

"Awesome can't wait to patrol with you, I miss running in my fox form," Emilia pouts and kisses Embry on the cheek." Well me and you can run wild later on," Embry winks."Oh and you're stopping at mine as well save you going back in the dark plus makes it easier for us to go on patrol too as my mom isn't in tonight," Embry says hugging Emilia and kissing the top of her head.

Emilia got her night bag ready as she was on patrol tonight with Embry. She was heading to his house and Charlie made sure Emilia had her phone on her at all times and warned her to stay out of the woods especially late at night.

Emilia arrives at Embry's House and they are immediately phased into their fox and wolf form. Emilia sniffs out Embry's shorts and vest and puts them in her bag ready for when they phase back.

"Ready?" Embry asked with a smile." Ready!" Emilia grins."Let's run wild one, "Embry thinks and they run through the woods where they notice a blonde wolf and another fox with a russet wolf." Ready to go for a run with us?" Grace giggles." I hope Bree has got your spare clothes," Emilia smirks." Of course, think I gonna let these two go bare after patrol?" Bree chuckles.

Emilia shakes her head and five set off on patrol. Jake leads the way and they see nothing wrong going on at the Reservation. Embry kept Emilia by him as Jake kept both Bree and Grace by him as he knew if Seth phased Bree would be his imprint since she imprinted on him and he owes Seth to keep her safe.

Emilia, Grace and Bree's first patrol together went amazingly well and no problems came around. The boys reported to Sam and Sam was impressed with how the girls handled pack life but he told Embry and Jake they were to only do patrol once a week with one of the older wolves.

Emilia and Embry head back to Embry's home and Emilia gives him his clothes and retreats to give him privacy and dignity." I'm dressed, Missy let go and have some well-deserved sleep and rest, "Embry grins. Emilia nods tiredly and Embry lifts her and takes her to bed and cuddles up to her.

Chapter 20 is done ✔️ Next up is Emilia's thirteen birthday 💗

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