♾️Chapter Twenty-one♾️

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It's now Emilia's thirteenth birthday and the pack has done a party for Emilia to attend later that evening with Embry, Charlie, Cora, and the girls.

Emilia headed downstairs to see Charlie, Cora, Bree, and Grace standing there with presents and cards for Emilia."HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILIA!!!!" Everyone shouted with a smile.

Emilia smiled and hugged everyone." Thank you so much," Emilia says with a soft smile." Come on open all your presents from us as you got your party at Sam's House with everyone else," Cora says softly kissing Emilia's head.

"Embry is coming to take you bowling after Lunch so let's spend the morning together before you go to the arcade," Charlie says with a smile. Emilia nods and she opens all of her presents and spends the morning with her family.

"Cora, can we talk privately please?" Emilia wonders." Of course, princess let's go," Cora says and they head upstairs." So what's going on?" Cora asked as she sat beside Emilia.

"I was wondering if I could call you mom?" Emilia asks softly. Cora looks at Emilia shocked but nods." Yes, you can if that's what you want to do," Cora says with a smile." I want to Mom, I want to call you mom," Emilia says softly hugging Cora.

"Can I ask something?" Emilia wonders." Sure what is it?" Cora says." I want to kiss Embry but is thirteen too young? For. First kiss?" Emilia asks softly.

"You love Embry and it is clear to see he loves you, so my advice is if you want to kiss him, kiss him but make sure it's the right moment," Cora says with a grin.

"I do, he said he'll wait till I'm sixteen to properly date me," Emilia shyly admits." He's a good lad, and we approve of him," Cora tells Emila. Emilia smiles," So if he asked me out at some point you'd be okay with it?" Emilia asks shyly.

"Of course, we would but not while you're thirteen maybe when you're fifteen years old," Cora winks making Emilia smile.

Grace and Bree came upstairs to speak to Emilia privately." We wanted to give you this," Grace says showing Emilia their photo now framed and fox-themed.

The photo frame-

"Oh my goodness, thank you," Emilia says hugging both girls

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"Oh my goodness, thank you," Emilia says hugging both girls." You two are more than my best friends you're my sisters," Emilia says with tears in her eyes." You're my sister too," Grace smiles."Mine too," Bree nods." Family isn't always blood and I'm glad you two are my family," Emilia says softly smiling.

A car horn sounds and Emilia looks to see Embry standing there," Mila time to go!" Cora yells up." Coming!" See you all down at Sam's House. Love you all!" Emilia squeals as she heads outside.

Embry runs out of his car picks up Emilia and hugs her." Happy birthday my kitsune," Embry says softly kissing her forehead." I'm going to give you your presents at Sam's okay? Shall we go bowling?" Embry asked putting her down and showing his arm to Emilia." Let's do it," Emilia grins." I can't wait to party later on!" Emilia squeals.

"Everyone will be there and I can't wait to see your face when you see the presents I got you," Embry grins." I can't wait to see them, you didn't have to go all out on me today," Emilia says with a smile." For you, I'd do anything to make you happy," Embry winks.

Emilia and Embry headed to the arcade and had an amazing day of being teenagers. Emilia looks at Embry and steps into his space," Embry. I want to kiss you," Emilia says softly smiling at him.

The two kiss one another softly and Embry pulls Emilia closer to his chest." I love you Embry Call," Emilia says softly smiling at him." I love you, Emilia Swan," Embry says softly kissing her forehead.

Emilia smiles softly," So slow dating for a few years huh?" Emilia says softly hugging Embry." Definitely slow dating," Embry nods whilst smiling. The two carried on with their mini date at the arcade and did three bowling matches which Emilia won twice and Embry once.

Embry took Emilia down to Sam's House for her party bash and everyone gave their gifts to Emilia. She had photos with everyone and had an amazing thirteen birthday with her pack and her family." So Emilia this is my gift to you," Embry says softly giving her a box full of presents.

Her presents-

Her presents-

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"Oh my goodness!!" Emilia squeals as she looks through the box

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"Oh my goodness!!" Emilia squeals as she looks through the box." Happy birthday my kitsune," Embry says softly kissing her forehead. Emilia was to spend the night with the pack as well as Grace and Bree due to the fact Charlie and Cora are having their last few weeks working so they can have time off for Elizabeth's arrival in six weeks.

Emilia lay with Embry that night and he held her so protectively and lovingly. Embry looked down at sleeping Emilia and he didn't regret kissing her at all.

He thought it was right for him to kiss her just like how Emilia was feeling when she chose to kiss him first. Embry made sure Emilia was comfortable before falling asleep with her snuggled deep into his arms.

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Chapter Twenty-one is done ✔️ Aww Emilia and Embry have had their first kiss🥺💙

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Embry and Emilia are too cute 😍

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