🎃Chapter Seven🎃

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Emilia was in the yard its been three weeks since her first sign of shifting and she hadn't experienced any more pain. Emilia was drawing away in the yard as Bella was washing her truck when Edward jumped on the truck." Can you try and act like a human? We have neighbors!" Bella exclaims.

"Sorry, I wanted to invite you to my house tomorrow. Emilia is welcome to come along." Edward politely says."Are you sure? I mean it's the first time meeting everyone?" Bella says with an evil glint.

"Yeah, Esme wants to meet you and everyone wants to meet Emilia properly." Edward says." I'm gonna pass on that so no," Emilia shakes her head."Tough, you're going," Bella says with an evil glint in her eyes.

Emilia rolls her eyes."I got to go so I'll pick you two up Saturday morning." Edward says tensing up. Emilia looks up to see him leaving and Billy, Embry, and Jake arriving." Embry, Jake, Billy!!" Emilia shouts as they exit the car and help Billy out.

"Hey Emilia, how are you?" Jake asked with a smile." I'm good, thank you, how are you?" Emilia smiles as he picks her up." I'm well, are you coming down the rez soon?" Jake asked with a smile.

"Yes! I'm a rez girl aren't I?" Emilia asks with a smile." Of course, we all miss you down the rez." Jake says giving Eskimo kisses as Emilia giggles.

Billy is smiling at their interaction and can't wait for the day Jake phases and imprints on a girl. Emilia jumps into Embry's arms and he kisses her cheek Hello.” Missed you Embry, my favourite person,” Emilia smiles softly.

"Hi Billy, how're things with you?" Emilia asked the older black." Good, how are you feeling now?" Billy asked." I'm okay feeling sore again and I feel hot but I'm okay,” Emilia smiles softly as she leans into Embry's arms and he kisses her head.

“You are quite hot, let's get you a cooling rag,” Embry says, lifting Emilia.” You two watch the game with Charlie, I'm gonna stay with her,” Embry says with a smile.

Billy watches Emilia go whilst Jake and Bella talk." I'm just gonna make a quick call can you two give me some space?" Billy asked politely. Jake nods and pulls Bella away from Billy and they sit on the porch steps.

"Hi Sam it's Billy," Billy says." Hi Sam what's going on?" Sam asks." Emilia, I think she's gonna phased some point today or soon as she's hot again and in pain and Edward Cullen was here, he's triggering her shift, "Billy tells him."We need to go make that land pack as she part of the pack now," Sam says.

"I agree with you, let me sort it when the game is done," Billy says." Yes sir, do you want me or one of the others by her home tonight just in case?" Sam asks.

"Yes, to keep an eye on her and if he comes you chase him off," Billy tells Sam." Got it, I'll be patrolling tonight so I'll watch over her," Sam says." Thanks, Sam bye for now," Billy says." Bye Billy," Sam says and the call ends.

Billy, Jake, and Bella head inside, and Charlie puts the game on as Embry and Emilia watch Evan Almighty together for the evening since Embry is going to be busy shopping tomorrow with his mother and baby sister.

It was time for Jake, Billy, and Embry to go home. Emilia hugged both lads goodbye before Billy," Listen if anything happens to you, run to Sam or anyone of the pack okay?" Billy whispers."I will, I promise," Emilia nods softly." Good girl, see you later Emilia, Charlie, Bella," Billy waves the three Swans off.


Emilia heads to her room puts her TV on and places the cooling rag on her head as Cora comes up to check on her." You are hot to touch again? Would you like me to run you an Epson salt bath?" Cora says with a soft smile.

"Please?!" Emilia groans and Cora runs her a bath. Emilia gets up and looks out the window to see Sam's wolf there. Emilia waves softly at him and smiles at him before going to the bathroom to have a bath to soothe her bones and cool herself down.

Cora helped Emilia into the bath since she was hurting again. She stays with Emilia to ensure that Emilia feels safe." I'm here sweet girl, sorry I can't take your pain away," Cora says gently." It's okay, should feel better soon," Emilia says tiredly.

Cora smiled and stroked Emilia's hair away," Thanks Mom," Emilia said tiredly. Cora looks at Emilia shocked and smiles." It's okay, my sweet girl," Cora says with a smile. Emilia was falling asleep and Cora saw her falling asleep," Emilia wake up sweetie," Cora gently shook her awake.

Emilia wakes up and gets out of the bath." Go to bed now as you are getting sleepy," Cora says, kissing Emilia's cheek. Emilia heads to her room and curls up in bed as Sam watches over her. Sam smells Edward growl lowly at him and chases him off.

"This is our land now!" Sam thinks and Edward takes the hint to back off entirely. Edward leaves and Sam returns to his place under Emilia's window. Emilia fell asleep peacefully and was not in any pain whatsoever.


Chapter seven is done ✔️ Emilia meets the Cullens next and everything changes for her👀❤️

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