🔶️Chapter Fourteen🔶️

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Jacob was on his way to drop Emilia back home since Charlie had asked for her to return home before lunchtime. Emilia has an amazing time with her newfound friends and the pack. She is excited to meet Bree and Grace today as she hopes they'll be lovely girls to get along with.

"Thank you for having me," Emilia says as Jacob pulls up to the Swan residence." You're welcome, and if you can bring your Foster sisters down when you can," Jacob grins." Will do, bye Jake," Emilia says heading inside." Bye," Jake waves as he leaves.

Charlie and Cora stood together," Are we ready to meet the girls?" Charlie asked with a grin." Yes! I'm ready, can't wait to have two sisters to get along with," Emilia grins. Cora hugs Emila," Well get ready because they are coming now," Charlie says noticing the social worker's car.

Emilia was waiting with Cora as Charlie opened the door," Hi Charlie, I'm Alistair, and this is Bree Tanner and Grace Lahote," The social worker introduced himself and the girls.

"Hiya, This is Emilia my daughter she's twelve turning thirteen and Cora Carter my partner, "Charlie introduced Emilia and Cora." My other daughter Bella is currently out and about today with her friends today," Charlie explains.

Emilia immediately goes forward, "Hi don't be nervous about a thing, would you like to come and see my room, we are sharing for a bit," Emilia says with a smile." Yes please, what sort of room do you have?" Grace asked." Wolves and Foxes themed," Emilia grins.

"I did it with my favourite person Embry who I'll introduce to you soon along with a few others if you want?" Emilia asked Bree and Grace." We'd love to," Bree shyly spoke up. Emilia looks at Bree's neck and sees the same birthmark as her." Were you born with the fox mark?" Emilia wonders looking at Bree as they enter her room.

"I was why?" Bree wonders." I have it too," Emilia grins showing her mark." Oh wow, so you're like me then?" Bree whispers." You've changed already?" Emilia wonders." Uh-huh into a fox," Bree whispers." Nice, you can show me later," Emilia grins." Your room is beautiful, "Grace comments." Thank you, would you both like to come meet my friends soon?" Emilia wonders.

"Yes please!" The girls nod in agreement as Charlie and Cora arrive." If you want girls we'll take you to Sam's House where everyone will meet you both, "Charlie says with a smile."Yes!" The girls agreed." Grace there is a lad there called Paul, do you know Paul? Or been told about a Paul or an Anthony before?" Charlie asked her.

Grace thinks about it," No I haven't why?" Grace asked." Well Paul is your half-brother and Anthony is his father which makes him your dad too," Charlie says softly." I can meet my brother today?" Grace asks softly." Yes if you want to?" Cora says softly smiling." I want to, he is my brother," Grace says.

"Okay get ready, as we will go down now," Charlie says. The girls get ready and they head down to the pack house where everyone is standing to meet Grace and Bree. Emilia held both Grace and Bree's hands as they arrived at the pack house.

"Hey everyone, this is Grace and Bree," Charlie introduced the girls." Paul a word alone please?" Charlie says calling Paul over." Grace stay here please," Charlie says." Can Mila and Bree stay please I'd like it if they stayed," Grace shyly speaks holding their hands.

Charlie nods," So what can I help you with Chief?" Paul asks politely." Paul this is Grace Lahote, your half-sister," Charlie introduces Grace properly to Paul." My sister?" Paul says." Yep, she was born in Seattle and your mom told your dad but he declined to be involved," Charlie tells him.

"Unfortunately, her mom passed away not long after her birth and she's been in care ever since. I am fostering her and you can see her anytime but your dad isn't to know about her got it?" Charlie explains.

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