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"I'm fine mom. You don't have to worry about me." I say running my right hand through my hair letting out a frustrated sigh as i speak to my beloved mother on the phone

"I know you can take care of yourself lyubov moya. It's being so far away from you that worries me." I let out a groan rubbing my temple in annoyance.

I swear i think my mom is more anxious than me. So much for having faith on me.

"Mom Jake is here, literally living minutes away from me, so i think i'll be fine. He is my father, even though i know you wish he never showed up. No need to worry." My mother lets out a scoff and i already know what's coming.

Why the fuck did i have to mention my father?! Why Kat?

"Don't mention that person. After 22 years he decided to be a father and show up. Where was he all these years?" I sigh rubbing my temples together. I love my mother but she is very dramatic sometimes.

"Mama, I'll be fine. I'll call you anytime i can to reassure you. Also i start training tonight remember? The biggest reason why i took Jake's offer so i can get my gold especially after what happened at my qualifiers." I know i got to her, her being quiet confirms it.

"I know my love. Okay i suppose for now calls will do. Facetime me later please. I love you" the corners of my mouth tip up into a smile.

"I love you too mama, Bye."

I hung up the phone and turn my attention towards the road. I landed in Pleasant Oaks, Michigan almost an hour ago. My Uber driver picked me up right on time and now i'm headed towards my new home. Pleasant Oaks University the only school in the United States known for having the most figures skaters qualified for the Olympics.

After what happened to me on the last Olympics, my old coach was exposed all over the internet.

My mom sued her and after the news broke out about the torture she would put her students, my father walked back into my life. I was reluctant to be around him, especially after he abandoned us long time ago, but because of him. Alexei, I and my best friend are now competing in the USA and training with the best Camilla Trusova. She is a three time Olympic gold medal champion in pair skating and i couldn't be more excited.

She teaches at POU meaning i'm going to train with her every single day.

"This is the house miss." I look outside and i spot a three floor house. It looks modern and cosy from the outside.

"Thank you so much." I get out of the car and walk around to the trunk, grabbing my two big luggages and my backpack.

This is all i could get on the plane. The rest of my stuff should be here in a couple days.

I walk the rocky path to the front door  and lift my bags through the four steps. I ring the doorbell and knock on the door. Ten seconds later the door opens up and a very handsome shirtless guy is standing behind it.

"Hi are you lost?" The handsome guy asks with a smirk and i shake my head confusion all over my face.

"No! Is this Weblley House?" i ask looking around. The handsome stranger nods, matching my confused expression.

"I was assigned a room here. My name is Katerina Hart." I say grabbing the paper the admissions office emailed me from my backpack. The guy who's name i still don't know looks taken back and rips the paper from my hand.

"Holy shit, they really assigned you here. Oh sweetheart, they fucked up. This is the hockey players house. Yes we do have an empty room but it was supposed to be a hockey player that moved in, not a girl." I groan running my hands through my hair.

I look at my watch and see it's two pm. Crap i have my first training with Camilla at four pm.

"Fuck, okay.. umm.. Can i leave my bags here while i talk to the admissions office? I don't know where else to leave them. It's literally my first day in America and this shit happens to me. I have training in an hour and oh my god i think i'm gonna pass out." i say taking deep breath trying to calm myself down.

"Yeah of course you can. I'm sorry. Come on in. I'm William Knight, pleasure to meet you, even though the circumstances are not the best." I nod shaking his hand. "Katerina Petrova." he nods.

"I thought your last name was Hart." i nod with a sigh "It's a new addition, it will get me awhile to get used to it." he nods understanding it's a touchy subject.

"Alright. I'm going to change for practice grab what i need and head out to admissions office. I'll come back for my stuff later and let you know what they say." Will nods and motions for me to follow him. He grabs my bags and lifts them easily two floors up.

"This would've been your room i guess." i nod walking in and i smile at the view. It's a pretty decent room, with a huge window and comfortable chaise in front of it, a full bed, my own bathroom and a walk in closet.

"So pretty." i whisper.

"I'll leave you at it." he nods and leaves the room. I grab one of my luggages and lift it on top of bed. I open the bag and grab everything i need.

Twenty minutes later i'm in my black leggings, black long sleeve shirt and my white puffer vest. I grab my gym bag and add my skates, leg warmers and water bottle. I grab the paper Will was holding earlier, stuff my wallet in my bag and put my air max pros on.

I skip downstairs and come face to face with another handsome stranger. I walk past him and wave at Will.

"Bye Will, I will let you know what they say." he nods waving back.

I walk out of the door and start making my way towards the admissions office.

Hi everyone! Thank you for giving my book a try! I really hope you enjoy it. Please don't forget to vote for the chapters. I love feedback good or bad, thats way it helps me grow. So don't hesitate to leave any :)

Xoxo Arseda

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