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That whole trip was a bust. I'm glad The girls did good and qualified for the next one but holy shit. First thing i told my brother before we left is to find a ride back, because i'm not taking him or Kat in my car.

This girl has me losing control whenever she is near me  and no matter how hard i try, i can't rein myself in.

What i told her before i left was bullshit. Of course i did it for her. The moment he started talking to her I was seeing Red, thats why i punched him. The problem isn't punching, it's not knowing when to stop, and when it comes to her. I can't stop.

Thats why i've decided to end this infatuation i have with Kat and stay as far away as possible from her.
At the end of the day it's not like i'm losing anything.
I'd be begging on my knees for a moment of her time and she'd probably be laughing in my fucking face. She already played me like a clown at the last party and i'm not letting something like that happen again.

From now on Katerina is just my roommate. Nothing else.

"Are we partying tonight or what?" Roman says as he enters the house dropping his duffle bag on the floor. I take a sip of my cold water and nod at Roman.
"I'm ready to get fucked up tonight brother."
I say putting Roman in a headlock.

"Good cause I need to get laid tonight with someone that gives a shit about me." I notice the snarky remark Roman throws and i know it's a blow to Alina.
I don't know what happened but i do know Roman really has it bad for her and right now, I can tell he is hurt.

Roman grabs a bottle of Casamigos from our drawer and grabs two shot glasses. He fills them to the brim and just by looking at the glass, I know he needs this.
He slides one towards one and picks his up.

"To women who don't deserve us." I clink Romans glass and drown the shot in one go. My throat burns and i can feel the alcohol in my stomach.

Well that surely was a shot.

"I'm going to take some shower and get ready while the party starts. Grayson and Will should be home soon with liquor and get the party started." I nod heading upstairs to.

As i reach the top of the stairs i glance towards Kat's room, the door is wide open but no one is there. 
She is still with the girls i guess.
I enter my room, take my shoes off and just lay in my bed. Couple of minutes later I'm completely knocked out.

I wake up from the loud music playing downstairs and groan. Of course i fell asleep. I throw glance towards the clock in my nightstand and it reads 11:30pm. Wow, i hella slept.

Walking inside the bathroom, i take a quick shower, put on some black jeans with a black T-shirt on and a red snapback. I spray my deodorant and perfume, adding my white air-forces on.

Someone pounds in my door and it low-key startles me.
"Aiden come party." Someone shouts from the other side. I open my door and come face to face with Roman himself.
"Come on best friend. You're supposed to be my wingman tonight and I couldn't find you anywhere." I chuckle throwing my arm around Romans should as we make our way downstairs to the full blown party.

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