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"No slacking tonight guys. I need you to be in your top form. This is the first game of the season. Le's show them who we are." The guys yell and hit their lockers in agreement with what coach is saying.

It's the first game of the season and the last first game in college for me. Next year, this time I'll be training with the New York Broncos. I want to make this last year memorable with my best friends.

"Let's go kick some ass." Our coach yells. I grab my hockey stick and make my way out in the ice field with my team mates. Cheers and roars surround the arena as soon as we enter the rink. I smile as Will pats my helmet.

We do our stretches and practice with each other.

I look around the bleachers and no sign of my so called roommate or any of her friends. Since I saw her bruises three days ago, I can't seem to get her out of my head. No matter what I do, she is in the back of my head. All I can think about is if her bruises are better or worse.

She has been training non stop an di can see it's taking a toll on her.

"Knight, what the fuck is that?" Roman asks glaring in my direction. I look towards him and I realise I hit him with a puck, a little too hard.

See what I'm talking about. I'm going crazy over a 5 foot 4 little brat, that is too stubborn and doesn't know when to stop.

"Sorry bro, I didn't mean to." Roman shakes his head as he skates away.

I turn my head towards the bleachers and there she is, sitting in the middle of her friend group, laughing at something Alina told her.

I skate towards Roman who seems to be occupied flirting with Alina through the glass.

I wrap my arm around Roman and look up at the girls. Kat's eyes connect with mine and I'm electrified. She gives me a small smile and I return it.

This girl isn't good for me. I don't like what i feel whenever she is around. Yesterday i felt actual concern for her. That's the first time that i care for someone like that in awhile. I was worried for real. I still am. She is overdoing it and she will end up burning herself up.

Plus i've noticed that shoulder of hers. Something is wrong and i'm going to find out what it is.

"Let's go, pep talk time." I slap Romans shoulder and skate towards our team. Roman follows me suit and takes a seat with the rest of the guys.

"Alright my boys. First game of the season. I know for a couple of us this is the last first with this team so i want us all to play a game we will remember not just today but for a long time. Watch yourself and your teammate. Communicate with each other and please be safe out there." The boys nod and clap chanting.

We make our way in the ice and the opposing team joins us.

The game starts and our team is so in sync it's unbelievale. Will passes to Roman who avoids one of the players and skates closer to the goalie. right before a player from the opposite team is about to take the puck, Roman passes it to Greyson and he heits the puck scoring our first goal.

"YES"I scream skating towards Greyson patting his helmet.

Minutes pass and Roman has the puck again he skates towards the goalie and passes the puck to me, i hit the puck and it slides straight into the net.

The crowd goes crazy at our second goal. Roman slams our helmets together grinning at me.

My gaze lands on the girls and they are all standing up cheering for us. My grin turns wider as i make my way towards the middle of the rink.

"Damn Knight, new play toy? The one on the left has some hips to die for. I can't imagine how her ass looks like, fucking her from behind, but i'd sure love to find out." I glare at Garret, a player known to rile up everyone.

"What? Did i hit a soft spot? It's okay, when i'm done you can fuck her to. Bitches like that aren't worth more than one fuck." I clench my jaw and push him. He lands on the ice and his helmet flies off his face. I clench my hand and throw punch after punch on his face.

"You don't get to talk about her like that, you son of a bitch." I yell continuing to punch him. He manages to throw a punch at me that splits my eyebrow open, but i block the rest and continue throwing punches at him.

"Knight, stop! Get off him!" Will says pulling me off of Garret and towards the stands.

"4 minutes in the penalty box Knight. What the fuck was that?" Coach yells breathing deep.

"I'm sorry coach, he said some shit that was disgusting." He nods nodding towards the penalty box." I nod skating towards the penalty box, getting inside and sitting down.

Someone taps on the glass and i turn my head to my right, my eyes connecting with her blue ones.

"Are you okay?" she mouths at me and i nod. She gives me a half smile and a nod back. I turn my head back towards the game annoyed at myself for letting a girl cloud my thoughts like this.

This is the reason why i stick to my regular booty call. She knows i don't think about her or have to defend her honour.

Kat didn't ask you to defend her honour. That little voice in my head says. The worst part is that i know she didn't, but i wanted to and that's what scares me.

I just need to sleep with Alissa and everything will go back to normal. My focus fully on Hockey and not on the tiny brunnette i cant get off my head.

The rest of the game went smoothly. Greyson got body slammed from one of the other teams players and another fight almost broke out.

We ended up winning but barely. The guys were happy and all they would talk about it in the locker room was the after party.

A party might do us good. It's been a week full of distractions.

Thank you for reading my book. Don't forget to vote please! We love Aidens POV!

Xoxo Arseda

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