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The Peacekeeper's soft gloves were a direct contrast to their harsh shoves. Celia stumbled over the shoe laces attached to her scuffed boots.

"Ease up." Tanner bit at one of the men who delivered a particularly rough push to Celia.

The man reached for his gun, a silent threat as Tanner grabbed Celia's hand, rushing her forward. The foreboding truck idled ahead of them, doors wide open and welcoming them to an unknown destination.

A few other tributes had already been crammed inside, now being guarded by more uniformed men. Celia could feel her face become hot with worry. Her breathing was unstable, eyes burning as the tears lined her waterline.

"Tanner, I don't want to go in there." Her voice cracked, reaching for her newfound friend's calloused hand for comfort.

He exhaled a shaky breath, "I know. It'll be okay."

The duo was guided into the back of the truck, shaking in fear as the other tributes seemed to grieve their own way. Tanner let Celia sit, standing in front of her as she warily looked at the scary tributes, frightened children.

Just as the last batch of children were being loaded into the truck, the boy from District Eight made a run for it. Most of the PeaceKeeper's followed after him, successfully shoving him back into the vehicle, missing the extra passenger now onboard.

The boy from earlier had now attempted to shrink in on himself as he took in the faces of all of the tributes. The girl next to Celia tried to contain her coughs in the enclosed space, offering her a small smile in assurance.

"What's the matter pretty boy?" The tribute from the train spoke up, "You in the wrong cage?"

"No, this cage is delightful" The blonde boy spoke, a nervous smile sliding up his face.

District Eleven ran up on him, shoving him up the inner walls of the truck. "Whose to say I can't kill you right now?"

"You have family?" A girl spoke up, nonchalance radiating from her figure. "You kill him, they'll kill them. Then you." She quipped, raising an eyebrow with a proud smirk. "'Sides, he's my mentor. Think I'm going to need him around."

Celia's eyebrows furrowed at that. She watched as Tanner visibly tensed his hands.

"How come you get a mender?" The female tribute from District Four snarled.

THE LAKES, Lucy Gray Baird. Where stories live. Discover now