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The two girls didn't get so much as a few seconds to breathe in their new loss before they were being ambushed once again.

Coral, Mizzen, Treech, and Tanner. The quartet giddily ran up to the two mourning tributes, taunting them.

Celia could barely make out the feeling of Lucy Gray's shaky hand holding her own. The sight of Tanner following behind the pack was gut wrenching.

"Lucy Gray," Treech started, sliding in front of Celia as she tried to pull Lucy Gray from their sight. "Stay right there."

The two halted as Lucy Gray pushed her way in front, putting her arms up to guard Celia. Stuttering breaths of air escaped Celia as she slowly came to the realization that this was it. They were outnumbered.

Celia ignored the feeling of eyes on her, knowing that the District Seven female was still perched above the fighting grounds. Mizzen slapped his net against the floor, pushing the two to huddle even closer together. Celia tried so hard not to meet Tanner's gaze as he stared her down. She knew the boy was torn.

With Coral's command, Tanner spun the chain in his hand, heaving it towards the girls. The harsh metal bit into Celia's stomach as she dropped to the ground in pain. She struggled to suck in a breath of air after the blow. Lucy Gray soon found herself on the ground after a being knocked back by Treech. Celia helplessly kicked at the ground, trying to pull Lucy Gray along with her as the other girl threw rock after rock at the pack.

"Hey Coral," Treech smiled, "do you mind if I take this one?" He stepped closer, landing his foot harshly on Celia's hand with a chuckle.

"Not a chance." Coral scowled, raising her pitch fork and aiming for Lucy Gray.

The sound of a distant whirring startled the group. Eight drones, all carrying water, flooded through the arena. The robots caused enough of a distraction, kicking up dust and hitting the attackers, for Celia and Lucy Gray to drag themselves away.

Celia clutched her stomach, the bite of the chain leaving her nauseous and dizzy. She let Lucy Gray lead her to a hidden spot below a pile of rubble, similar to her earlier safe space.

Once out of sight, Lucy Gray grabbed Celia's face, surveying her for injuries. Tears creeped down each of their faces. Celia quickly nodded in reassurance before turning away to hide a violent coughing fit. The slabs of rock muffled the sound, keeping them hidden from the tributes.

The crook of Celia's elbow was speckled in blood. It hurt to inhale the polluted air, which surely did not help after being hit in the chest with heavy chains.

"No," Lucy Gray's voice cracked. "What's happening?"

"I'm okay, I'm alright." Celia reassured the girl, "Just knocked the air out of me." Her voice was raspy, tears blurred her vision as she tried to suck in more air.

THE LAKES, Lucy Gray Baird. Where stories live. Discover now