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Looking down at the broken body of the female tribute, Celia felt her blood run cold. She could just barely make out the sound of Sejanus' voice as he followed his friend who was ripped away by the PeaceKeepers.

Celia had never seen somebody die. Somebody's life drain from their crumpled corpse. Now, as she stood in the presence of two, she could feel the air rushing from her lungs.

The rest of the tributes - save for Lucy Gray and Celia - had all scurried for cover, peaking out to take in the carnage.

The silence was deafening.

With wide, shocked eyes, Celia ran her sweaty hands through her tangled hair and took a step toward the corpse.

Kneeling beside the girl, Celia could hear a scoff from behind her.

"What are you doing?" Tanner spoke in disbelief. He watched as his district partner slowly reached down and shut the fallen tribute's eyes. "She just killed her mentor."

"And if I could reach through the bars I'd pay her the same respect." Celia snapped, clenching her jaw as she rubbed her dirtied hands on her pants and stood up.

The other tributes peaked over and around the rocks and trees they sought coverage behind. When the two bodies were dragged away by PeaceKeeper's, the unease felt only deepened.

Would it be so bad to go out that way? Knowing that a worse fate was awaiting in the arena?


Celia sat across from Sejanus, her wrists raw from the cuffs attaching her to the table. The pairs were instructed to talk strategy before getting a look at the arena.

Sejanus looked on in silence, clearing his throat and glancing down at his coarse hands. "How are you doing?"

Celia eyes flitted over his face. Purple bags accented her bright eyes and pale skin as she shook a bit from the lack of sustenance. "I miss my dad."

Sejanus swallowed, pursing his lips. He stuttered a bit as he tried to get back on subject. "What- uh, what would you say are your strengths?"

The girl inhaled, shaking her head with a shrug. "Sejanus, I grew up on a farm. I milked cows and sheared sheep. I couldn't even find it in myself to step foot inside of the slaughterhouse."

Her mentor nodded in understanding. "Gee, they don't really prepare you for this kind of thing. Do they?" He pushed a laugh, trying desperately to lighten the mood.

Celia cracked a small smile, relaxing a bit as she shifted in her seat. "I used to hide in the hayloft when I was a kid. My dad always told me to when the PeaceKeepers would come door to door. He didn't want me seeing how they ransacked our home." She chuckled bitterly, "they don't go too easily on those behind on their bills."

THE LAKES, Lucy Gray Baird. Where stories live. Discover now