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Celia couldn't remember leaving the laboratory - if you could even call it that - of Dr. Gaul. Her mind blank as she went through the motions, walking beside Coriolanus to catch a train. Celia now knew of why she'd be joining the boy and what he did to deserve the punishment. She wasn't angry. She would've done the same for Lucy.

Celia could hear Coriolanus' stoic voice, talking to her about his frustrations with getting to Twelve.

"Hm," Celia hummed in response.

The blond scoffed, shuffling through the papers he was white-knuckling. He stopped walking, causing Celia to falter in her own tracks. She could see his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he fought to keep his frustration at bay. 

The look in his eyes caused Celia to shutter a bit with unease. "Ten," she flinched, face falling at the realization as to what he was referring to her as. Not once has he spoken her true name unprompted.

She swallowed, balling her hands in fists. "Yes?"  Celia's voice was watery, emotion dripping from her gums.

An ugly sneer drew on his face as he looked her up and down. "We are not the same." He snapped. "I am still above you, you still must pay me respect." He harshly gripped her forearm, forcing her to meet his gaze.

Celia looked down at her shoes, biting her lip in frustration. The thought of a snarky comment almost escaped her mouth before she remembered what happened the last time she spoke out of line. And who had to pay for it.

She nodded.

It was Coriolanus' time to hum, this time satisfactory. "We'll be in Twelve by tomorrow."

Celia's interest was once again piqued. "I thought they were sending us to Eight?"

"Never mind that." He bit. "I'm handling it." And with that, he walked off, leaving Celia in the dust.


Later that night, Celia sat stationary on a creaky bench beside a closed door. She had just been evaluated and tested for any illnesses before getting the "go ahead". After getting a trim, Coriolanus followed the doctor in as she was escorted out.

Celia couldn't claim to be too surprised when she wasn't given the same treatment as Corio. While he wasn't not getting pushed around, she was still left dirtied and bloodied. Her hair was halfway matted, her skin was rubbed raw, and her muscles still haven't forgiven her for all of the adrenaline rushes.

She subconsciously rubbed at her sore wrists before hearing the door creak open. Coriolanus - now sporting a buzz cut - wasted no time in settling a dirty glare toward Celia. She swallowed, drawing in on herself at the gesture.

THE LAKES, Lucy Gray Baird. Where stories live. Discover now