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An alarm sounded, everybody took off. Celia sputtered as she watched the tributes reach the weapons in the middle of the arena and immediately start attacking eachother. The ringing in her ears grew louder as she attempted to take a step forward, vision swimming.

"-lia! Celia!"

The sound of her name quickly snapped her out of the brief moment of panic. Lucy Gray, on the other side of the pile of weapons, spun desperately in circles, trying to catch sight of either Celia or Jessup.

Oh how she knew Coriolanus was fuming at her from his spot in front of the screen.

Celia found herself blindly stumbling through the chaos. She shyly approached the middle of the arena, completely out of it as she searched for Lucy Gray.

The girl from District Ten narrowly avoided a few jabs in her direction. One particularly harsh thrust was almost delivered by Reaper as she had stumbled by his District partner.

Wiping the stray hairs from her sweaty forehead and cheeks, Celia looked up. A camera.

She blinked.

Sejanus, he would want her to snap out of it. To make a move toward safety. To hide.

But she couldn't, not without Lucy Gray.

"Lucy-" a harsh and sudden pain bloomed from her shoulder. Whoever wielded the knife that had just sliced through her skin was not prepared for Tanner.

The boy from District Ten wasted no time in stabbing the assailant through the stomach with his blade. The girl, now dead, fell at his feet. "Celia," He placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to look her in the eye.

"Tanner!" Coral, the female tribute from Four impatiently called her ally, motioning toward the figures of Lucy Gray and Jessup.

"Celia!" Lucy Gray cried, struggling to support Jessup and survey the area at the same time. Her face was soaked in both tears and sweat as she frantically looked for the girl she promised to protect.

Jessup groaned, his sunken eyes closing a bit as his fatigued body caught up to him. "Shh, I know." Lucy Gray attempted to comfort her friend. She was stuck.

She could save herself and Jessup, but that would mean potentially leaving Celia to the wolves. "Dammit, Celia!" Her voice cracked. Lucy Gray looked up at the pile of rubble, watching as Coral quickly gained on the duo.

Past the redhead, Lucy Gray finally caught sight of Celia. She stood shakily beside Tanner, holding her hand to the opposite shoulder. When the two took notice of each other, Celia assessed the situation and quickly opted for a word of advice:

THE LAKES, Lucy Gray Baird. Where stories live. Discover now