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Kiara's Pov :

[New York, USA]

It was the eighth or maybe the ninth cup of bitter hot coffee I was having since last night.... Night shifts has always been something I preferred as an insomniac and even after spending the entire night in the hospital ...I didn't feel tired enough to get back home .

Well , I am Dr. Kiara Malhotra, a gynecologist . Right now living in the bustling city New York . At the age of 25 , I would call myself an independent girl with a busy life and fare share of friends .

But a little back story of mine is that after losing my parents at the age of seven ,my life changed upside down. I was a child who was the apple of her parents eyes , the most pampered child , or a bubble wrapped child .

Although it never made me a spoit brat instead I was the " good girl " or " soft girl " people talk about . But the bubbles bursted after my parents died and I was left with my aunt's family who was only after the money my father left behind.

A girl who used to smile bright was left crying and sobbing everyday,  sometimes because she craved for the love , sometimes because her classmates bullied her, sometimes because her cousin sexually abused her , sometimes because she had no one to hold her or support her , sometimes because she was too weak to take a stand for herself.

Eventually after all those years, that soft girl is still a soft girl but with walls created around herself .

Before leaving the hospital I was called to Dr. Devid's cabin where he was with some other doctors and interns .

Good morning Doc ! I opened the door and peeked my head inside with a small smile.

Good morningg Dr. Malhotra  ! Come in ! He greeted back with his usaul bright smile and overjoyed tone.

After his not so short greetings session he told us about the team for the yearly health campaign because this year I'm also a part of it . It was not something I was bothered about, but something that shook me was the location .... it's .... it's in India!

The only place where I don't want myself to be. I would never want to be !! That place gave me nothing but wounds ...deep wounds... that I'm trying to heal... since years !!

Even the mention of that place made me feel that someone was scratching those wounds and here I am supposed to be there for more than six months ?!

I came out of his cabin and signed knowing that i don't have any other option ... I couldn't deny .

 I couldn't deny

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Dr. Kiara Malhotra

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