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Sahil's Pov :

[ Mumbai , India ]

The constant knocking on the door made me wake up groaning and when I looked at the giant wall clock and realised it was almost afternoon so basically I slept for 7 hours since morning ... satisfying! .

Well I am Sahil Joshi here also affectionately known as the sunshine boy at 25 . Currently living in Mumbai with my family . Working at Oracle India as a chief technology officer . 

Even if my sunny disposition may light up the room, there's a story behind this smile that many may not see.

Life and the betrayals of the people I never expected has made that little Sahil to set aside his dream of becoming a singer and prioritize those financial responsibilities that was thrown on his way.

Although I still have chosen to embrace the sunshine amidst the storm, yes maybe for the sake of the people who love me but at least I've .

I came out after changing into a pair of shorts and t shirt when I heard my sister yelling at my niece for god knows what and my mom was sitting there on the couch with a cup of tea and a book ...a regular scenerio of my house! I went to my mother and sat close to her...

Good morning Mom! ....I intentionally did that to tease her as I knew she hated late risers but she didn't even looked at me ....poor me!

Meanwhile Heyy! it's good AFTERNOON ! ...... Amaya( My niece ) giggled yelling that from behind and I smacked her head shutting her ...
" Tu chup reh do minute !"

Amaya was a pretty girl with a very mature thinking obviously according to the situation* but other than she is the most mischievous in the family although everyone loves her very much.

I turned towards Mom and asked her to give me something to eat as the last time I had something was in the party last night.

" Mom breakfa....i mean lunch? Please de do " (puppy eyes) well she didn't budge to reply ...and I started whining to pacify her... Well , she hates late night partying too ( which is btw my weekend plan everytime ) and then sleeping all day. 

Finally Mom was ready to give me the biryani she made for the lunch after a long pacifying session and I was devouring that when Ellie ( my cat) jumped on the chair next to me ...

Hey sweetheart!.... Good morning!!...I patted her softly and she meowed bowing her head ... Awe!

After the chaotic afternoon with my family I grabbed my keys and strode towards my bike for an evening ride .

After the chaotic afternoon with my family I grabbed my keys and strode towards my bike for an evening ride

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Sahil Joshi

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