Chap. 01

112 21 5


After I picked up the call I paused for a moment so that the other person could start but she didn't ...

Helloo ?.... Kia? Are you there ? ..... I asked

ye..ah...! I mean yes yes it's me Kiara on this side !!!

Yeah right and this is Ayaan this side ? How can I help you ma'am!!( Sarcasm !!)

Duh Ayaan ! I know it's you !
I could sense her rolling her eyes at me !

Oh you caaan !!!! I thought you don't !

Done ? Hogaya tera ?! .... Now listen ghar aja please !

What ! NO WAYS Ki !! I've meetings lined up today !! I screamed in horror knowing that how fucked up schedule I have today.
I wouldn't have denied but I actually have some important meetings to attend which I had postponed last week Because there was a folk concert in Chicago and we went there for an ENTIRE WEEK !...It was fun though !

Please aja yaar ...She pleaded with the utmost softness !! that too ME!! Now that's a weird thing cause otherwise it's just " Ayaan yaha jana hai Ayaan waha jana hai ...." No ....she isn't bosy she is just a baby sometimes.

Huff ...Ok... I'll be there at nine...

WHAT ! NO !..... that's too lateee!!! Just come for the lunch!!!

OK ok don't get hyper ..... I'm coming .

I reached at her apartment after an hour and stepped inside of it with the spare key.

The moment I entered the house , familiar smell hit my nostrils ...this house is my another home, where I feel all the warmth i needed all my life !.

Whenever I step inside of it I feel like my lungs choose to fill a little deeper inhaling her vanilla like fragrance which lingers in the soft air of the house.

I slumped down on the living room couch relaxing my shoulders a bit when Kiara came out wearing a oversized tee with black pj and hair tied up in a messy bun .

Crossing her legs she sit beside me when I tilted my head towards her , She looked pale , her face lacked its usual colours and I could sense that something was not right... something that's bothering her .

Kia what happened ? there anything you want to talk about ? .... I was calmer than I usually am . .....She didn't look at me and kept fidgeting her fingers so I kept my hands on hers to stop her from fidgeting and she looked at me .

What happened sweetheart? ....

.....She tried to speak when her lips trembled and she choked with tears while looking down....shit!

Arreee !! .....what happened ?! kyu rahi hai .....come here ..... I hugged her putting one of my hand on the back of her head and the other one rubbing her back.

As she wrapped her arms around back while hiding her face in his chest , I kept rubbing my back ...

Kiara... sweetheart...stop crying baba ...relax ....tell me what happened ......I asked patting her head

I ... don't wa..nt to go.... Her voice came muffled

You don't want to go? Where?

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