Chap. 04

89 16 8

Author's Pov :

[ Mumbai, India]

Week : 1

Kiara bounded down the hallway of the apartment building, with her arms laden with grocery bags . Lost in her thoughts, she rounded the corner and-bam!- collided with someone, sending them both stumbling backward.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed the person she had collided with, the person is none other than Sahil!

"No worries, it was my fault too," Kiara replied,

As they bent down to retrieve the scattered groceries, Sahil couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over him. Glancing up, he met the warm gaze of the girl he had collided with - Kiara.

Recognition dawned on Sahil's face, his grin widening as he realized the coincidence. "Well,  hello there!" He exclaimed with a grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he looked up at the Kiara .

And Kiara found a familiar face looking at her . Kiara raised an eyebrow, a curious smile playing on her lips. "Oh? Umm Do we know each other?"

Sahil chuckled, nodding ,"We actually met earlier today at the hospital. You patched me up after a minor mishap."

Comprehension dawned on Kiara's face, followed by a soft laugh. "Oh yeah I got it. Glad to see you again um ...."

Sahil straightened up and extended a hand towards Kiara with a charming smile " Sahil .... Sahil Joshi ...." and if I'm not wrong , we are the new neighbors...?! "

Kiara nodded shaking her hand warmly , " I'm  Kiara , Dr. Kiara Malhotra as you already know ! " Sahil chuckled, his gaze lingering on her a little longer than necessary.

" Wait ... You might have just shifted here and if I'm not wrong , we are the new neighbors...?! " Sahil exclaimed eyes widening

" Umm ..yep neighbors i guess as I shifted today "  Kiara replied.

"Well, I must say, Looks like fate just couldn't keep us apart. it's not every day I get to collide with such a charming neighbor. " Sahil said grinning

Kiara laughed a little while her eyes sparkling with amusement ," well , nice to meet you too neighbor , but for now I think I have to go ... I'll see you later maybe "

" Sure sure ....but yes if you are need of anything just remember you have a hotshot  guy next door..." He grinned while handing her the bag of groceries, their fingers lingering for a moment .

" Of course! " kiara chuckled while shaking her head . And they both stepped in their respective flats.

Sahil couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected collision that had brought Kiara into his life once again.

Meanwhile Kiara still amused that there was something undeniably magnetic about Sahil, that left her feeling intrigued and drawn to him in a way she couldn't quite explain.


⏳ The Next Morning

Kiara's Pov

I stretched lazily as the morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow inside .  I made my way towards the kitchen to make a cup of coffee when the doorbell ringed .

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