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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading Volume 46

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The Little Universe of the End of the World Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

-minute volume reading 46

What, but Ye Qingrang has always preferred cats, no wonder he looks so bad.

Surrounded by a dozen young men and women was a cat.

The cat was supposed to be a domestic pet. He Chengshuang saw an exquisite red leather collar fastened around its neck, with a small metal plate embedded in the middle. This showed that the original owner loved and valued it. But at this moment, this cat The whole body was dirty, and most of the fur on the body was gray, twisted into strands. One paw seemed to be injured, and it was hanging softly on the side. I dont know whether it was because of fear or cold, but it kept shivering, thinking When I got out of the crowd, I couldn't run fast at first, but then I was beaten by the group of people with soft whips and sticks. I tried several times but failed.

An unknown fire arose in Ye Qingrang's heart. If the cat hadn't mutated, I'm afraid these people would have tortured it to death. The reason why they didn't kill it was probably to capture it in exchange for money. Ye Qingrang was sure that they knew how to get it. Mutated animals are exchanged for supplies, otherwise there would be no time for a large group of people to deal with one small animal.

Of course, this cat is not considered "small". Although it is thin, it is surprisingly large. It is about 80 centimeters in length, which is a full circle smaller than a black panther. However, for a normal cat, it is not mutated. No one with a clear eye would believe it.

This cat had an unexpectedly docile personality, and its combat power was also quite low, and because the target was too big to escape, it meowed anxiously, with a voice that was both plaintive and soft. Ye Qingrang's eyesight was astounding, and he saw the sign engraved on it. Two words: vertical rain.

Chapter 35 Double Mutations

Zong Yu saw a group of tall strangers coming. First he shrank back as a conditioned reflex. He was obviously very scared. Then he seemed to realize that these people were different from the people who besieged him. Mutations The intelligence quotients of the later animals have improved to some extent, and it is not difficult for Zong Yu to distinguish these.

It was in dire straits. At this time, it was urgently ill and sought medical treatment. It meowed at Ye Qing, staring at him with a pair of blue eyes, with three parts sadness and one part anxiety in his eyes. Ye Qing's heart was as soft as water when he looked at it. .

The people surrounding it did not think it was a big deal. A girl with a fairly average appearance stretched her legs and kicked the cat. Zongyu let out a scream. In the cold weather, the girl even wore over-the-knee high-heeled boots, revealing her She had a broken leg, and her hands were completely devoid of the innocence and kindness that should be expected at this age. The girls standing next to her had a whip patch. Anyway, they thought these were just skin injuries, as long as they did not affect their ability to find a sponsor and sell well. Just the price.

Ye Qingrang suppressed his anger and forced a smile on his face: "Why are a large group of people trying to get along with a kitten? They want to catch it and sell it, right? Then there's no need to go to such trouble. What do you want? , I'll tell you, I can buy this cat right now."

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