22 : efforts

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Arsalaan's pov :

T H E doctor explained mehran's condition

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T H E doctor explained mehran's condition.

"He may or may not have a childhood trauma related to car accidents but something has triggered a psychological response, causing him to remain unconscious as a protective mechanism." The doctor said.

"The mind is powerful, and sometimes it takes time for it to feel safe enough to wake up. He will be awake when his mind feels safe to get conscious." The doctor informed and discharged the three of us saying mehran will wake up after a few hours 'I hope so'.

His parents stayed with him at the hospital and we all assured them with comforting words before heading home.


"Don't you dare budge, Arsalaan." Minahil warned, pointing her finger at me. She then made me sit comfortably on the bed, grabbing two pillows from the other side. One she placed behind my back for support, while the other she positioned on the bed, resting my hand on it.

"I'll be back wait for me" she informed going downstairs. I rested my head on the head board and sighed looking everywhere & then lastly at my arm. I found it hard to move, it had become stiff & painful.

I touched my fractured arm with my other hand, but I didn't feel anything. Then, I squeezed it tightly and the pain suddenly hit me, causing me to hiss in agony.

"omg what did you do?" Minahil rushed inside the room out of nowhere. She looked at my arm with great concern shown in her eyes.

"I told you to not do anything and not to budge, then why the hell did you touch the plaster?" She inquired flaring her nose furiously.

"I- I just-t touched to check if it hurts or not" I shuttered slightly seeing her furious.

She facepalmed herself annoyed. "Dare you touch it once again, I swear I'll chop it off from your body" she shot fire daggers at me warningly.

I gulped in fear, she looked terribly mad.

"Okay boss" i said saluting her from my other hand and her anger faded away, her lips quivered into a small smile but she tried her best to hid it from me. From me ? From the one who is it's reason !!

I giggled looking at her. She looked back at me into my orbs, my heart skipped a beat with a feeling of excitement and deep connection.

"let's change your clothes & eat dinner" minahil said breaking the heartwarming eye contact, which we shared for a couple of minutes.

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