37 : encounter

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Arsalaan's pov :

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A week later !

Falling in love is as easy as drinking a glass of water, but when the person you love betrays you, it feels like walking on thorns, causing your feet to bleed.

it's been a week since minahil has gone. She never messaged me neither did I. we are not in any contact and nothing.

But I didn't divorce her, not yet. I could never. Thinking about divorce makes my blood boil that's not something I would like to bring in our story, no matter how tragic it already is.

I have promised myself that I'll never leave her." I'll never leave her, it will never be from my side" I assured myself. she was the one who left even after I gave her a chance even after all that happened because my heart doesn't tend to live without her.

It's been a week i haven't seen her, my eyes yearn for the longing. It yearns vulnerably to at least have a glimpse of her, to hear her voice, to hear her laugh, to see hers ever so gorgeous smile, to feel her touch, to feel her presence.

Since she's gone, I've been slacking off everything. My whole week was spent sulking in my room, doing literally nothing but looking at the box that had her precious treasure - me, to be precise. I would look at her things placed everywhere in our room and simply miss her presence.

I've cried enough all the week to let another tear escape now. I'm done with feeling awful and miserable. I want this misery to end. And it ends with her. I want her back, back with me, in my arms. I want to bring her back and make her mine like she always was.

I want to cage her even more tightly in my arms this time and not let her go away.

oh the way she hurts my heart.

i am missing my mina, would be an understatement cause I can't explain how ruined and heartbroken I feel right now.

laying on the bed I let out a sigh a sigh of disbelief. I sigh of acceptance. acceptance that she's gone. And she's never gonna return.

i gazed at the ceiling feeling extremely empty and hollow from inside. I didn't have any plans as I said I barely went out of the house that too for some really important crap.

i heard a knock on my door and got up from the bed walking towards the door to open it.

" hey champ" mehran greeted with his hand on air 'waving at me'.

" hie mehran" I replied monotonously. I don't have any energy to have conversations let alone glance at someone who is not her.

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