38 : end game

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— ❀ Minahil's pov :

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Minahil's pov :

As my eyes slowly opened, I felt a stinging pain in my head. My vision was blurry and everything appeared hazy. I couldn't determine my location. I rubbed my eyes for clearer view.

As my eyes scanned the room, I realized it was nowhere near the beach. It appeared to be an abandoned room. I frantically searched for a certain someone, Arsalaan. Fear engulfed me as I recalled how we were struck by a rod and fell to the ground, overcome by dizziness and pain.

where's Arsalaan? is he okay ? why am I here?

Am I kidnapped ? did someone really just kidnap me ? Minahil Ahmed Hussain ?

I quickly rose from the ground where I had been thrown and made my way towards the metal door, attempting to open it. However, my efforts were in vain as the door was locked from the outside.

Anger consumed me, a burst of rage, as I realized what was really happening here. I know who is behind all of this. It seems like the end game, they're here—the killers. They're going to try to harm my boy ! But I swear, I won't let a single hair on his head be harmed or a scratch on his body.

I furiously started yelling, banging the door harshly with my palms turning them red. Kicking the door vigorously I yelled. " open the door fuckers".

As I continued to yell at the top of my lungs for someone to open the damn door, it finally unlocked, revealing two strong men dressed in black. They forcefully pushed me to the ground, causing me to yelp, and then grabbed one of my arms each. My eyes widened in shock.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelled, but they didn't respond. Instead, they began forcefully dragging me out of the room, causing me to hiss in pain. Their grip was tight, but I did my best to loosen their filthy hold on my arms and continued yelling, hoping they would let me go.

" let me go bastards, I'll shred you both into 4" I screamed still wiggling in their hold. My arms already reddened by their firm grip.

" stay quite or else our boss will kill them" he warned making my eye brows twitched.

Them ? What does he mean by them ?
Arsalaan ? Ain't no way they'll have him here no !! He is not here !! No one dares to lay a finger on him. No one dares to touch my man.

dragging me to some extremely huge ancient room covered with dust and grease. they threw me on the ground. Still holding my arm not allowing me to run.

"Welcome to hell, daughter-in-law" the deep, husky voice resonated, drawing my attention to the source.

My gaze met a pair of deep blueish grey eyes, just like Arsalaan's. Seated on a black couch with crossed legs was an older man, probably in his late 50s. He was dressed in all black, with neatly done grey hair. As I took in his features, it clicked in my mind—he was Arsalaan's dad, my father-in-law.

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