TVD - 07

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I feel sadness for those who aren't capable of glimpsing the beauty that was sitting in front of me. Samaira.

The day that we vowed together, has passed a month now, and Samaira has been indifferent in her behaviour, but know nothing of her, it's an application towards her if I speak that I feel disconnected and distrustful of her.

Every action between us speaks through and through of how untrustworthy she discerns towards my side.
She utters, and discusses, but her words feel minimal obligations.

It was a huge question mark in my head, whether this disconnection is how she behaves. Or her actions are punishments once again between us?

I felt her stirring eyes, lingering when the servant crossed through my shoulders to help me with the rice, her eyes strolling on the server's gestures, her eyes faltering back and forth between her plate to the server's hand and my shoulder.

I wanted to usher her, for her tiny act of discomfort, with women in general around me. But if I do point out how her behaviour makes me double-implore myself? Then, I would forever be affixing a knot in her mentality, where she would persuade herself that I detest her prevailing behaviour.

I in general don't have issues with her regarding their eyes, as far as they are not shrieking skepticism.
I took the bowl from the server's hand and retained it on the table, my hand gestured to Samaira, querying if she needed to.

A small head shake, before the lines that arose between her brows finally discarded. Those eyes were fixated on her food.
“Jasvanthya?” I heard from Daharthya whose recall made my attention split.

“We both heard what is the current status of camaraderie we abord with Samaira's family. I believe it would be a better choice for you to conclude this matter, rather than us to be involved?” He suggested, I blinked, giving a nod.

It was likely a selective choice, and its suggestion wasn't suspicious in any reference to me.

The dinner ceased on the memo of farewells for the dark before I divulged myself with my brothers over the factorial concerns. I stood from the table, offering my hand to her, she looked for brief seconds before enduring it. Supporting herself on her feet, she sauntered herself out of the dining room.

She paused at the door, the servant who was serving me rice crossing by to clean the dining, Samaira's eyes ran across Ahilya, “I would like to discard one of the maids?” She asked Ahilya for the head approval, both mine and Ekvarthya's eyes traversed each other from the span.

“That third this week? Is this some kind of revolution?” Daharthya asked,
I suppose this is not an insurgency. This speaks of insecurity.

“I just suppose, we should diminish the burden of wages if they aren't working well?” Samaira spoke, diplomatically.
Daharthya rested the matter of house, with a shrug while he stepped towards the door, intersecting Samaira and leaving the room, meanwhile, Samaira scrutinized the servant.
“Please do not come to work, from tomorrow?” She asked the servant who was dedicated to cleaning the table.

She met my sight before she indulged herself in her routine. And left the room. “Feels like duties are being towed by personal issues?” Ahilya spoke, between. It's not me solitary who felt the weird behaviour.

“The question is, once she has outed all the women in the Mahal, how will she get you out, Ahilya, Queen Rajput?” Ekvarthya taunted both of me and Ahilya simultaneously. Before he laughed, stepping outside.

“Maybe she is just attempting to resolve herself with people she finds trustworthy.” I tried to find reasoning even though, I didn't see it.

“Well, the substantial person she doesn't trust is you.” The Queen spoke my fear before she ambled herself out as well.

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