TVR - 06

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Her eyes restrained with mine while the blade dropped and slaughtered the man who had dared to lay eyes on a woman in any other sense than glorification.
The ramifications of his deeds had him slain in two different parts. One part of him was stuck under the wood and blade, from our antique quillotine.
And second was the head that jerked on the floor, in half.

The yelp, and grunt of another male who was made to appear here, witness this scene only so words can travel around different parts of the town, that in our reign of Rajputs whoever lays eyes on the woman, will be massacred like this under my hand.

The heaven I felt watching deep in her eyes, or was it hell given I was no more than an evil satan, demon? Wherever I was. It was home. 
My hands clutched on hers, still attached to the rope, my fingers engulfing her hand.

“Taken 7 more encircles and vows with me Jyoshna?” I implored her, and once again, the eyes that never left me suddenly drifted apart.
Snatching her hand away, she looked at her dead husband's head.

A cry rang out from her lips before she sat down on her knees, her hands retaining her eyes, while she aggressively shook her head.
Bet it was not a regret, but the gore scene that left her shaken.

I raised my eyes from her back to my brother, seeking guidance, as to what must I do in a situation like this. How to console? Or to understand? To shout or numb and take the blame?

Daharthya, who had now taken Aayatee in his arms to shut her since she had been crying for a while, stood in the distance with the little soul, tear-welled eyes of the girl but quieter now, and Jasvanthya was handling something in the corner with the people who had collapsed from watching the scene.

Daharthya marched his eyes towards Jinitya, who was crying in pain or success of the end of her tormenting life.
He gave a slow nod to me, trusting his order, I knelt at her level,
“This death was the outcome of his deed, jyoshna?” I told her, and she took her hands away from her eyes.

Her laakh ki chudi (bangles worn by Rajasthani women as a marriage symbol) filled hand, she pushed near me. “Please take them off, please!” She begged me, I am the most boundless person in the Rajput family.

And yet, she was beyond my contemplation. I nodded and created the 21 bangles from her hand one after another, she only looked at her hand, crying but yet she wanted to take away the touch of this man on her.

Something that made her other half spring by oath.
I dropped the bangles from her one plane hand, the other burnt one.
I held onto her hand even when the bangles were over. She closed her eyes, and suddenly forced herself on her feet, the white cloth she had in her hold from bringing earlier, while I was torturing her husband.

She withstands with that white cloth, and holding to its one edge, she tore the piece of clothing into two halves. Taking one half closer in her chest, she took the other towards the thrown head and dropped it on his head, covering his face.

The significance of that cloth I don't understand but I didn't speak of it, I once again tried to get Daharthya's understanding, who was shocked by her actions.
The people had already left halfway, other half were departing on the words of Jasvanthya. 

I looked back at Mukul, who was standing at his bedroom door and hadn't moved an inch since our arrival. He has shunned himself, relaying on the crooked door, with his eyes widened and mouth left open. I started to take my hollow steps towards him, but he fell in fear when I neared. “Thank you for informing me, what will happen today. I was able to save her because of you, ” I said highly dignified, and he was too astounded to utter a word.
I understand his fear.

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