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A lot had changed I had moved on with my life I was now the CEO of one of the biggest companies in New York City And just a few days ago I had returned from a six-year trip to Italy

My life had taken a very different path from the one I had imagined all those years ago But in some ways I was glad of that I had learned so much

My name is Denzel Washington and I am now 30 years old Six years ago, my life was a mess I had lost everything including the love of my life But thanks to my family I was able to get back on my feet And now, I am one of the richest men in the world

As I walked out of my room, I was dressed in a sharp suit, my shoes sparkling black and my hair slicked back. My light green eyes shone brightly

As I walked down the stairs the maids bowed their heads respectfully I lived in a sprawling mansion but that was not what made me who I was I was a man of substance not just of wealth

My driver opened the car door for me and I stepped inside. As we drove to my company

The car pulled up in front of my company High End Living. As I stepped out  all of my employees bow their heads in respect But one female employee caught my eye  she winked at me

"Fire her," I said

I wasn't about to tolerate any insubordination, especially not from a woman This was a man's world, and I was the man in charge.

One thing you should know about me: I don't trust women. I think they're all gold diggers and liars. But my parents insist that I marry Ivy Easton, even though I have no feelings for her It's all just a business arrangement to them But it's not what I want I want to be in control of my own life, and that includes who I marry

Despite being engaged to her, I had never allowed her to touch me I kept my distance from her

I walked into my office and my personal assistant, Francis, rushed to my side.

"Good morning, boss!" he said

"Morning," I said barely mustering up a response I sat down at my desk

"What about the new secretary I asked you to get?" I asked, not looking up from my laptop

"I'm still working on it, boss," Francis said

"But I told you to post the job ad online last week" I said

"Oh gosh, I totally forgot about that, I'm so sorry, boss. I'll do it right away."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at his incompetence But what could I do? He was the only assistant I had. And he was fairly competent, ... Aside from his occasional forgetfulness.

I continued working on my laptop, barely paying attention to Francis as he scurried off to do my bidding

Tom enter my office "boss I have monitor her movement lately" he said

"So any thing new " I asked

"Nothing new at all she is still in debt and  she was fire from her job " he said

"She deserves all the bad luck in this world " I said

"According to my information she is searching for job presently" he said

"I pray fate bring us together again Amelia Earhart"

MY BOSS Where stories live. Discover now