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I stood under the hot water, letting it wash away the dirt and grime of the day. But no matter how hard I scrubbed, I couldn't seem to wash away the memory of Amelia's words to her boyfriend

"Date? No way! I'm not going to let her go. Never."

"How could she move on so quickly, like our relationship meant nothing to her?" I wondered aloud. I shook my head in disbelief. "I won't let her go. I'm going to do whatever it takes to destroy that relationship." I felt my anger growing, consuming me like a wildfire.

I emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, and picked up my phone. I took a deep breath and called Tony.

"Tony, I need your help," I said as soon as he answered. "I need you to find out everything you can about Diego."

As I stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for my date, I felt a surge of confidence. I knew I looked good - my makeup was flawless, and my dress was just the right mix of sexy and sophisticated. I practiced my best moves, feeling the music pulse through my body.

As I twirled and shimmied, I imagined Diego's reaction when he saw me. I knew I would have him wrapped around my little finger. I smiled to myself as I finished getting ready, feeling like a goddess.

As I stepped out of my room, ready for my date, I saw my sister Eve in the hallway. I tried to catch her eye, but she just walked right past me, as if I wasn't even there. I felt a pang of disappointment, but I shrugged it off. I went into the dining room and saw my mom, who was sitting at the table, reading a book.

"Good morning, mom," I said, giving her a hug.

"Aren't you going to work?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you all dolled up like this?"

"Of course I'm going to work, But after work, I have a date with Diego." I saw her eyes widen, and I knew she was about to ask a million questions.

"A date with Diego?, Tell me everything!"

"I'll tell you everything when I get back," I said, grabbing my bag and rushing out the door. I hailed a cab and made my way to work, my heart racing with excitement.

When I got to the office, everyone was staring at me. I felt self-conscious under their gaze, but I tried to ignore it and focus on my work. As I sat at my desk, I heard whispers and murmurs all around me. I wondered what they were saying about me. I took a deep breath and tried to block it all out. I had a job to do.

"You look very beautiful, too," Mia said, with a smile.

"Thank you," I said, returning the smile.

"So, what's up with all this fancy dressing?" Mia asked, her tone curious.

"I have a date after work today," I said, my cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Ooh, a date!" Mia exclaimed.

"Amelia, Mr. Denzel wants to see you in his office, right now," Lura said as she approach us

"Oh, thanks," I said, trying to keep my composure. I wondered what he could possibly want this time. I walked into his office, trying to prepare myself for anything.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Denzel?"

"So, Amelia," he began, but then stopped, looking up at me with an odd expression on his face.

"F*ck, she's hot," he muttered under his breath.

I felt my face flush, and I knew I must be bright red. "Sir, are you talking to me?" I asked, my voice coming out more like a squeak than anything else.

He just kept staring at me, not saying a word. The room felt heavy with tension, and I could barely breathe. What was going on? Why was he acting like this? I didn't know what to do.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Denzel?"

"Err, I'm okay," he said, clearing his throat and sitting up straighter in his chair.

"Anyway, you're not leaving this office until 10 p.m.,"

"Sir, today is my half day at the office, I'm supposed to be leaving at 3 p.m."

"I know, and I'm changing that,"

"But, sir," I started to protest.

"No more words from you," he said, cutting me off. I felt my frustration boiling over, but I knew there was nothing I could do. I turned and walked out of the office, my mind racing.

As I walked down the hall, my phone buzzed. I looked down to see a text message from Diego.

"Should I pick you up?" it read.

"I'm so sorry, Diego," I typed, my fingers shaking. "Something came up at work, and I'm not going to be able to make it." I pressed send, then waited with bated breath for his response.

A few moments later, my phone buzzed. "No problem, We can reschedule for another time." I breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't angry with me.

I typed back, "Thank you for understanding. I'm really sorry about this." I hit send, then put my phone away.

"I can't believe she would dress like that on a date, She's never dressed like that around me. What is she trying to do?" I was starting to feel jealous and possessive, which was unlike me. I didn't want to feel this way, but I couldn't help it.

I tried to push the thoughts out of my head, but they kept coming back. I knew I needed to get a grip and move on, but it was easier said than done.

I picked up my phone and dialed Francis's number.

"Hello, boss," he answered

"I need you to send a lot of work to Amelia, I need her to be kept busy all day. And make sure there's plenty of paperwork that needs to be printed."

I ended the call and looked through the one-way glass into the office.

I saw Amelia sitting at her desk, working away on her computer.

I caught myself muttering under my breath, "I'd rather have her here in the office than out on some stupid date"....

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