Ch. 7 Fate 2-Chairoscuro Magnetism

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Miyu Tachibana
"Who are you?"

she demanded, her voice filled with curiosity and apprehension.

"And why have you been following me all this time?"

Tsukiko Chinen, freed  from the woman's grasp, now with grace and poise, she introduced herself.

Tsukiko Chinen
" I am a  designer and artist of this district. Moreover, I am also a student attending Elysian Academy, just like you. I saw your Uniform from behind."

Tsukiko, eager to ease the tension between them, spoke softly to the lady in the shadows. She shared that her intentions were not malicious or threatening, but rather, she was drawn to the woman's presence for reasons beyond explanation.

"I thought I would go unnoticed if I could take a moment to myself to lock my gaze on you briefly, until I worked the courage to speak to you directly"

As the woman listened intently to Tsukiko, her eyes remained fixed on her, carefully studying her every move. She was intrigued by Tsukiko's words, but also skeptical, unsure if she could truly trust her.

Tsukiko sensed this hesitation and quickly reassured her that she meant no harm or ill will. Her only intention was to satisfy her curiosity about the person she was currently dealing with.

Tsukiko Chinen
"I am sorry if I made you feel threatened, I was drawn by your appearance and got lost in thought appreciating your sense of style."

Just as Tsukiko finished speaking, a faint light began to emerge from her forehead. It was subtle, almost like a gentle glow, but it was enough to catch the woman's attention. She couldn't help but wonder what this mysterious light signified.

Despite her initial doubts, the woman couldn't deny the sincerity in Tsukiko's voice, nor the genuine curiosity she sensed in her. As observed the woman before her, she couldn't help but notice something peculiar happening. The freckles on the Tsukiko's head began to emit a vivid bluish-white light, illuminating her features in an otherworldly glow.

She then feels again a heavy pressure that slowly in a warping motion, making her feel light on her feet then back heavy again in constant flux.

Simultaneously, Tsukiko sensed a familiar dark energy emanating from the woman, stirring an uneasiness within her. Curiosity piqued, Tsukiko shifted her gaze towards another source of light.

Mesmerized, she noticed tiny specks of light scattered across the woman's cheeks it seems, delicately shining from under her already captivating, mysterious eyes.

Caught between awe and apprehension, Tsukiko couldn't tear her eyes away from this enchanting spectacle. Who was this woman, with her radiant freckles and bewitching aura? Tsukiko's mind raced with questions.

In the quiet and dimly lit alleyway, Tsukiko stood, their curiosity piqued by a mysterious light that had just appeared on both party's involved. Unable to contain her newfound curiosity, the woman exclaimed,

Miyu Tachibana
"What was that light?"

Her voice was filled with wonder, intrigue and a hint of suspicion. The woman, who had been lurking in the shadows, also seemed intrigued by the sudden illumination.

Tsukiko Chinen
"I knew it,"

she whispered softly, as if connecting the dots to a secret she had long suspected. Her voice carried a mixture of surprise and anticipation.

Confusion flickered across noticeable features of the woman as she addresses Tsukiko.

Miyu Tachibana
"Wait, what do you mean?"

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