Ch.13 Fated Trio, Trio of Fate

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Katsuki Genji
"I just can't seem to grasp the technical aspects of it," she confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Raion, ever the calm and collected one, wasn't surprised by his sister's admission. In fact, he saw it as an opportunity to impart some wisdom onto her.

Raion Genji
"Katsuki, understanding the technical side of things is important, but it's not everything," he began, his voice gentle yet firm.

"You have a natural gift for sensing energy, but you need to work on honing that skill through practice and dedication."

Miyu, a cool and collected, and Tsukiko, a bubbly and outgoing, exchanged puzzled glances before Raion approached them with a curious expression.

Raion Genji
"Excuse me," he began,

"I couldn't help but notice that you two are also unaffected by this time stopping situation. Do you mind telling me your names? I'm sorry, we never properly introduced ourselves."

Miyu, with her piercing gaze and mysterious aura, introduced herself first.

Miyu Tachibana
"I'm Miyu Tachibana," she said in a calm voice.

Tsukiko Chinen, with her bright smile and energetic demeanor, followed suit.

Tsukiko Chinen
"And I'm Tsukiko Chinen," she chirped happily.

Raion's eyes widened in recognition as he heard the name 'Chinen'. He knew of the famous Chinen family, particularly the siblings Katsuki and Raion. It was a surprise to meet the daughter of such a well-known mother.

Raion Genji
"Funny meeting you here," Raion remarked, trying to break the tension of the strange situation.

"I must say, I never expected to run into the daughter of the legendary Chinen family in a moment like this."

Miyu raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes.

Miyu Tachibana
"Well, it seems like fate has a funny way of bringing people together, doesn't it?"

Tsukiko nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Tsukiko Chinen
"I always believed in serendipity! Maybe this is our chance to uncover the mystery behind this strange occurrence."

As they stood together, their powers intertwined in a beautiful display of harmony.

Raion Genji
"Can you sense my energy or my sister's?" Raion asked curiously.

The two, Tsukiko and Katsuki, exchanged a knowing look before nodding in unison. It was clear that they could feel the energy that flowed between them all.

One of them spoke up,

Tsukiko Chinen
"Yes, we can sense your energy, just as we can sense each other's."

"Can't you sense that our energy has spiked as well? Raion, can you feel it too?"

Raion then shook his head in disagreement.

"It seems I don't sense anything, however, I can see it. The energy pulsating and intertwining together as if merging and becoming one surrounding you two."

He gestured for Katsuki to join the two right next to them, forming a circle of energy that pulsed with a newfound strength

A surge of power emanated from the trio, weaving a tapestry of energy that bound them together in a powerful bond.

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