Ch.8 Fate 2- Time Binding yet Unbound

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Miyu and Tsukiko found themselves engaged in a conversation as they embarked on their journey to District 3 city of Celestia. Having just met moments ago, they were still getting acquainted with each other's presence.

Both Miyu and Tsukiko were unfamiliar with the wonders that awaited them in Celestia. Prior to setting foot in this illustrious city, they had to pass through the strict security check at the gates. They approached the vigilant guards, who scrutinized their identities before granting them access.

Once past the gates, a path stretched out ahead, beckoning them towards a bustling plaza adorned with an impressive stage. The distance between them and the stage was roughly 30 feet, and they stood there, marveling at the scene unfolding before their eyes.

As Miyu observed her surroundings, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The meticulously designed plaza was brimming with energy, vibrant colors of the Academy mixed with hues of gold and silver, and a myriad of people. It was a melting pot of diverse cultures, with individuals from all walks of life congregating to experience the magic woven within the fabric of Celestia.

Tsukiko, on the other hand, was effortlessly captivated by the lively ambiance surrounding her. Her eyes danced with excitement, taking in every detail with childlike wonder. She was drawn to the stage, where she could already hear faint melodies and see men and women dress in professional attire preparing for what promised to be a grand spectacle.

Engrossed in their own thoughts, Miyu and Tsukiko continued their trek towards the stage. Unbeknownst to them, their paths were about to intertwine, propelling them towards an adventure neither of them could have foreseen. The city of Celestia held more than just captivating visuals and enchanting sounds.

In the heart of the city, amidst a bustling metropolis, further out another 40-50 km away, stands an esteemed institution known as the Elysian Academy of Knowledge. This prestigious establishment holds within its walls a treasure trove of the Kingdom's rich history and heritage.

Floating Castle Aetherius
Perched gracefully above the academy, the Castle of Celestia floats effortlessly, like an ethereal guardian watching over the land. Its mere presence infuses the cityscape with a sense of inspiration and curiosity, captivating the imagination of those who gaze upon it. A shimmering glow radiates from the castle, illuminating the night sky and creating a beacon of light visible from even the furthest corners of the kingdom.

Within the castle's walls lies the epicenter of power, where the ruling monarchs hold court and make decisions that shape the future of the kingdom. The royal court bustles with activity as advisors offer counsel, diplomats engage in delicate negotiations, and important matters are deliberated upon. It is here that the destiny of the kingdom is forged, amidst an atmosphere of regality and gravitas.

As if plucked from the pages of a storybook, the Castle of Celestia and the Academy of Knowledge stand as symbols of the kingdom's past, present, and future. Together, they form a harmonious union, representing the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of heritage that define the essence of this grand civilization.

As the two girls strolled towards the plaza, they couldn't help but notice the paparazzi bustling around in front of the stage. It seemed like something big was about to happen. The President of the academy emerged, making their way towards the stage, and the intercom crackled to life, announcing that the Ceremony would commence in just five minutes.

Amidst the flurry of preparations, Miyu's attention was drawn to a familiar figure on stage. It was her Brother, proudly standing amongst other individuals in the academy's military uniform. They were stationed at the back of the stage, with the school banner serving as a backdrop floating in mid-air.

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