youre losing me

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walker pops out with the girl he said not to worry about after him and y/ns break up. 😔
(also the name is a taylor swift reference if u couldn't tell 😜)

y/n pov :

It's been about like a month or few since me and Walkers break up. I've been good, I wasn't like right after the break up but I've gotten over it I think.

I mean we were best friends before the break up, so that's maybe what hurt the most. He was just like a really good boyfriend in general. We ended on "good terms" so we're like technically friends but we haven't talked since the break up.

I still follow his socials.. and I know I shouldn't but like I still lowkey care about him. I mean he still follows mine. Maybe I'll unfollow him soon!

But the reason we broke is cause he just got distant and I decided to break up with him. And I think I know why he got distant, he had another girl best friend named Lauren.

Lauren was really pretty, funny, and cool. I didn't have a problem with her until you know me and Walker started dating. When we started dating, she started being really weird around him if you know what I mean.

She was my friend too, if she liked him I would've backed off of course. Before me and Walker started talking and stuff I always thought there was a vibe between them. We were in this friend group with her and a couple of our other friends. We all kinda grew apart a while back but our group always thought they liked each other.

Then when I told her I liked Walker she got weird. I never understood why because she never even mentioned liking him.

Then a while after we started dating, she latched onto him like a bug. And I would bring it up to Walker and he brushed it off, told me there was "nothing to worry about because I only love you." and he'd say "she's just my friend I would never do that to you. I cant ever see her like that." I believed him and I still do.

We broke up probably a year into our relationship. He would constantly leave me on read and when I asked to hang out he'd make up either bull shit excuses or just say he's with Lauren. So I ended it because he got weird.

— 2 days later

I was just chilling on my bed, listening to music. I was on instagram looking through everyone's stories because i'm nosy like that.

I get to Walkers story and I got the biggest jump scare of my life.

It was a picture of Walker and Lauren at the arcade. Which was where him and I always hung out. What the actual freak.

I think my blood is actually boiling right now. I was also feeling a little bit silly so I decided to text him. I mean me and him are "friends", so I'm sure he wouldn't mind?


i like ur story

excuse me?

i just thought she was just a friend 😟

she is?
who said we were dating

are u sure
i mean i knew u guys were close
but not that close

ur just jealous.
why do u care

im not?
i just thought u said u couldnt ever
see her like that. 🤷‍♀️

u broke up with me.

yea bc u got weird
i told u i had a weird feeling abt her
u never stopped hanging out with her.

im sorry
it's my fault

why did u take her to our place also

can we not talk abt this over text

it's funny how now u wanna talk
go be w ur little gf.🥱



pls just stop
can we talk abt this in person
we broke up over text.
i don't wanna do this over
text too.

oh are u not w ur girlfriend!

y/n pls

i'm not in the mood to talk to u
so bye

pls y/n

yk what



a/n: i love making these type of sad imagines well this wasn't really sad but ykwim. part two🤔? also i'm struggling waiting for the new pjo episode like WHY WAS IT SO SHORT.😟 also sorry about all the yap at the beginning. i just had to get some context in there

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