best friend pt2

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best friends or more??? you tell me. 🫵
(ik nobody asked for a part 2 but i got bored so deal w it. my school got canceled today so i wrote a long one. also pretend u guys live by the beach in this.)

y/n pov:

Walker asked me to go to the board walk today, and obviously I said yes.

I got a shower, did my hair and makeup. I changed into a tank top in shorts. I don't know why I'm trying to look good. I mean he's just my best friend. I'm not trying to look good for him right? (bros in denial)

I grab my purse and my mom drops me off at Walkers house. We usually walk from his house to the boardwalk since it's not too far.

I knock on his door and he opened it immediately.

Was he waiting? It's fine all friends do that. Right?

I walk into his house and he hugs me. Ugh I love his hugs.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick and we can go." He says to me. I smile and nod and he walks away.

I sit down for a second. I go through the favorites folder on my camera roll, which is all him,  for second and look at the photos of us together.

Some of them I just zoom in on his face. He's so.. He's so.. He's so nothing. What am I thinking? This is my best friend, but he looks so good not gonna lie.

Okay I need to stop and clock out. (im sorry i say clock out so much)

I was still just admiring the pictures of him on my phone.

"You good?" I hear from right over my shoulder. Walker was.. looking over my shoulder? I immediately get flustered. I quickly turn off my phone and turn it over.

"Oh, yeah." I say and try to brush over it. "Ready to go?" I asking, standing up.

He nods and gives me the cutest smile ever. Wait but it's Walker? My best friend? I cant like him. I don't like him.

We walk out the door and we're just yapping on our way to the board walk.

It's probably 5, but there's a bit of a breeze. We're almost to the arcade which is where we were headed first.

"Ugh, it's cold." I say looking to Walker. He wore a jacket because he was smart. I mean I didn't know there would be a breeze but I think I knew what I wanted when I said this.

"Okay well maybe you should've wore a jacket." He chuckles a bit. His smile literally gives me butterflies.

Ayo what?

I smile at him and push his shoulder a little. "You can have my jacket." Immediately butterflies. Immediately I blush. Suddenly I'm nervous.

"Oh no it's fine." I say and smile. No I want that jacket I was just kidding.

"No take it. You need it more than me." He takes it off and gives it to me. I put it on and it smells like him. Can I steal this jacket?

"Thanks, Walker." I say and look to him. I can't help but smile at him.

"You're welcome, anything for you." He reply's.
He doesn't know what he does to me for real.

wonderland , walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now