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         I opened my teary eyes they are blurry I can merely see things around me and I found that I am chained on a chair of my hands tied back with a rope  and my legs are tied to a rope . I don't know where I am and slowly I remember that I was abducted by a man . I hear the sound of foot steps approaching near then my gaze fixed on the door that opens slightly.

I saw a man approaching me when he moved closer to me , I was dumbstruck......
I encountered this man before but where !!!
The query kept roaming constantly in my mind...

Yeah he is the man who lend a hand to me  at cafe ,,, but why did he abduct me
What I did to him and what he wants from me...
He approached the chair just before me and settled down on the chair.
"Drink this water!!" he passed on a glass to me.
With that I came to my senses and frown made its way on my face..
"I saw you before you are the man who helped me in the cafe but , Why did you  abduct me ,what I did to you . What you want from me!"

He chuckled slightly and said...
"Yes I am the same man and firstly take this glass and drink some water you are dehydrated "
His hoarsey voice made me dread..
I am terribly panicking but I again asked him with little audacity..

He moved closer to me which made me shut my eyes

"I cannot leave you my princess" he said and settled in the same place

"Why are you doing this to me I need to go back to my home please leave me " I pleaded him..
Which made him frown
" MARRY ME !!!! "

" WHAT? "
what is he even talking about does he lose his mind or else what.

" Yes you heard right. You are going to marry me and you have no choice left "

Tears welled up by listening to him
" I don't want to please "

" Don't you dare to test my patience princess I said you know there is no other way to go back and you are going to marry me!!"

I am crying so hard tears welled up
" My parents will be searching for me I have to go back to my home please leave me now "
He flings the glass on the wall which made me cry even more and I frightened with his actions..
How can I marry a person whom I don't even know.

" I am a Don of mafia and if you test my patience the results will be beyond your imagination so don't try to provoke me and you have only choice left you should marry me" he said.
Is he psycho or something else why is he forcing me I don't want him why is he forcing me..

" My parents already arranged my alliance soon I am going to be bride my fiance might me searching for me " I think now he will leavee me alone.

" Don't act like a child princess I'm not asking for your consent I am just letting you know that you are going to marry me in anyways and at any cost and about your fiance ...
I already know about it that's the reason why I abducted you and don't worry I'll just replace him with me for the rest of your life . So we are going to get married the day after tomorrow and be ready for it SANIYA!!!"
he said which made me stunned for a few seconds and how did he even know about my name who is he the question triggered in my mind..

" Who are you and how do you know my name " I asked him.

And my question that made him lean closer towards me a smirk appeared on his face.

" I know you because I have stalked you for more than three months !!! You are studying 3rd year engineering, you are the only daughter to your parents, you also have one best friend and her brother was your fiance ...  So is this enough or should I tell more " he said and with that he made his way to the door.....

So he was that creepy guy whom I never saw but felt his presence wherever I went and that made me spine chilling.....

Before going out he once turned his feet to me and said
" Be ready princess we are getting MARRIED"
Leaving me in a state of confusion ....

Tada Tada Tada this is beginning 😁

I also consider your ideas .
The next parts will be updated soon 🔜

And people support me help me out and we all together make this story as beautiful as ever ❤️
And please ignore mistakes ❤️

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