22. Jealous

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I shot a look at Imran, expecting that he would know about her arrival, instead he passed a look that even he doesn't know about her sudden arrival. Maya always simps over my man and I'm very sure about it, her behaviour around my man tells about it. She always seeks attention from my man.. I entered the house, and when I took a clear look, I found that she was badly hurt on her head. What happened to her!!!

" Hi Saniya " she smiled at me.
I smiled at her, it wasn't a happy smile. Soon Farhan approached us. He looked at me and welcomed me home with a smile.
" When did you come Maya " Imran questioned her.

" Just now, I came with Farhan " she just pressed his name at the end. Wahh good, so he is busy for picking Maya, but he forget his so called wife... Now I'm angry about this matter... How can he do this???

" You were supposed to be meet a client know!!!! Didn't you go " Imran asked.

" Yes Imran, but when I was going to meet client... I saw Maya coming out of the hospital, she was badly hurt and she was about to faint so I thought, I could give her ride to our home "

" What happened to Maya!!! I heard you went back to London,, why did you come back " Imran questioned...
She looked little nervous and didn't answer anything...

" I came back, because one of my friend getting married in 2 weeks. So I thought of coming early and spend time with her" Imran looked at her very suspiciously...

" How did you get hurt then!! " Imran become more and more suspicious about her arrival and he kept pressing the questions over her...

" When I was arriving from the airport to her home.. some goons attacked me and they snatched my bag from me,, when I was trying to push them away they hit on my head and then I rushed to hospital " she explained... Imran was about to ask something but Farhan shot a glare to him and he remind silent but still he looks bit anxious about her.. He doesn't seem even concern about her condition.

" How are you now " I asked her.
A maid halted in living room and passed her a glass of water.
" I'm feeling better now " replied taking the glass of water.

" I need to freshen up, I'll go to my room " I said and ascended the stairs... But Imran's behaviour at Maya seems bit weird!! What happened to him?He doesn't believe her words.. I'll find out from him.. I opened the door and stepped into my room.
I'm totally bored today because of those stupid classes... I must take a shower and then relax for a bit before going to dinner... I took a shower and changed into night PJ's... As soon as I lay in bed, I got a call and I sat straight.. It's from an unknown number,, I have changed my number and I haven't given this number to anyone, then who is calling me.. I answered the call " Hello "

" Saniya !!! " Man answered the call.

" Who is this "

" I'm your new professor, we met morning, do you remember " he said.. and wait how did he know my number.
" How did you get my number professor Sufiyan"
" Yeah I got it somehow, one of your books is with me " he said.

" Oh,, okay okay I'll take it in college, thank you for letting me know sir "

" No mention Saniya,, it feels bit weird when you address me as sir,, you can address me as Mr. Sufiyan. I'm okay with it " he replied.

" Yeah sure... Okay then I'll meet you in college professor I mean Mr. Sufiyan " we both chuckled instantly and hung up the call.
As soon as I hung up the call, my eyes caught a notification, my eyes widened when I looked at the date ... Today is ammi's birthday. Each and every year me and baba surprise her with an interesting gifts... How can I forget her birthday!!! Rememberance of those days made my eyes wet,, tears welled up in my eyes.. I'm missing them a lot... I dailed ammi's number..

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