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Maeve had had to bury her head in the her knees as soon as her dreaded duet with Arthur came around. She could practically feel everyone's eyes on her when the clip played and she certainly didn't have to check to know that they'd all be wearing the same smug expression. Surprisingly, the boy's didn't tease her too much. Well all of them except Alex, though his attempts at taking the piss were mainly directed towards Arthur. Flossie would give the occasional 'aww' but everyone else just gagged which was to be expected. Arthur wasn't exactly helping their case either as he smiled like an idiot the whole time the video played, his eyes never leaving the screen to acknowledge his friends childish comments.

"Well that was repulsive!" Chris announced once their singing had finished and the camera had cut to a different pov of Maeve helping him to pick a song on the sofa. 

"You're repulsive!" Maeve argued like a child, giving into Chris' obvious attempt to taunt her and Arthur.

"I know you are but what am I?" He replied, sticking out his tongue at her from across the room.


"I know you are but what am I?"

"You're single Chris after your girlfriend broke up with you, get over it." Arthur Hill interjected in the most nonchalant way possible.

"I broke up with her!"

"So you keep telling us, but I'm not buying it." Cam added with a shrug before shooting Maeve a wink when he wasn't looking. 

"Come on guys give Chris a break, can't you see that the shared custody's clearly still getting to him." Alex sighed with a shake of his head like a disappointed dad. Everyone held back their laugher as Chris spluttered his excuses, his hands waving around in the air as he got even more frustrated with everyone. But they ignored his stupid antics and left him sulking in the corner, muttering to himself about how they were all bullying him.

When the video finally drew to an end Arthur, George and Alex rose to their feet and made their way into the kitchen to get drinks. Maeve and Cam quickly followed, shooting sorry looks at Flossie and Arthur H who they'd left stuck with a very moody Chris. 

"Sorry about earlier." Cam apologised as they walked into the kitchen in pursuit of the booze. 

"Don't worry!" Maeve smiled, "I used to love your videos by the way, would watch them all the time."

"Used to?" He replied with raised eyebrows, nearly choking on the drink that Alex had handed him. 

"No, not in like a rude way." Maeve quickly clarified and though it may have came out wrong she really didn't mean to offend him.

"Its okay." He managed to splutter out between coughs, "Gone down the wrong hole."

"Woah, chill out Cam. We don't want to hear about you putting it in the wrong hole." George complained, patting an annoyed looking Cam on the back. Arthur came up behind her, handing her a glass of wine silently and listening in as the boys talked. He leant on the counter next to her with his little finger barely grazing against hers, but the mere contact sent sparks up her arm and made her head feel fuzzy. 

"The videos doing well." He whispered in her ear almost inaudibly.  She leant back and looked at him with a nod and a smile as he took a sip from his glass carefully, savouring every mouthful after George had poured the majority of the bottle into his own glass. He got out his phone, scrolling through the replies to his Instagram story where he'd advertised the new video before clicking through to discord and checking people opinions there. 

"I'm not going to comment on the fact that you use discord." Maeve stated with a giggle causing Arthur to roll his eyes.

"You just did." He sighed in reply, pouting at the laughing girl. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, holding the phone in front of the pair so they could both read the comments from his viewers at the same time. She quickly eased into his touch and began leaning back against his chest as he scrolled, both not really paying attention to what was on the screen. 

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