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The rest of the night had gone smoothly and Maeve had woken up snuggled with Flo in her bed, Lola lying beside them. She didn't know how she'd ended up back at Arthurs but she was just grateful that they hadn't left her to fend for herself. 

Since that night, Maeve hadn't had time to catch up with everyone for the next few days. Sure they'd kept in touch over Instagram but her regular work routine had started up again and most days were spent behind the bar or in bed on her phone - so basically you could say her schedule was pretty tightly booked. Despite her incredibly interesting life, Maeve had somehow managed to organise time to see Arthur after he'd practically begged her to come to some race track with him. 

'Buckmore park' was what it went by, yet Arthur had assured her that it was the Monaco Grand Prix of England. Apparently, he was training alone yet when they showed up it was clear that this was a lie. Cal, Callum, Harry, Ethan, Matt, Josh, Chris and Will - even after claiming last year that he was never doing the race again - had all decided to come along too and were waiting for the pair by the entrance. 

"Fancy seeing you two here." Chris teased, elbowing Josh as they giggled like girls to each other.

"Die." Was all Maeve could reply with, walking past them and leaving everyone to talk about their plans for the day. She walked over towards the edge of the track which seemed to have a lack of racers and glanced back at the men with a dazed look. 

"Where is everyone?" She asked as they approached her causing Arthur to chuckle. 

"Just us today Maeve." He replied, leaning on the rails separating them from the track and shooting her a grin. 

"Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get a lap or two." Harry chimed in, giving her a pat on the shoulder whilst pulling his helmet over his head. 

"Don't want to show you lot up." She smiled, safe in the knowledge that her go karting skills were nothing shy of impeccable. 

Since it was only a practice, none of them were sporting their neon green senor frogs outfits which was unfortunate as it gave Maeve nothing to laugh at Arthur for. She had also been kept in the dark as to why they had chosen this particular day for practise. She knew that their race was coming up in a few months time and they had promised their fans a better performance this year so they were beginning training much earlier, however as Arthur had failed to mention it she didn't know that they'd been needing some more practice of their wet track stints. 

She soon found out though as she watched on from the side lines and small drops of water began falling from the sky. At first it was bearable, just spitting lightly. But after only ten minutes it was absolutely chucking it down. Her food that had been left on the picnic bench was all ruined, meaning that now she'd be starved as well as being tortured on this outing. 

Everyone was out on the track except her and Ethan, who was waiting impatiently at the side as they didn't have quite enough karts for everyone to go at once. Callum and Arthur had been given the priority due to it being Arthurs first time competing and Callums race last year was rendered useless by his team mates because he was that shit. Unfortunately for Maeve, this meant she was stood outside in the rain for the majority of their time there with only a coat to protect her from the weather. She didn't really mind though, she really enjoyed cheering everyone on from the side lines and having chats with each of them when they subbed on and off. 

"Go in Maeve you're going to catch a cold." Arthurs voice rung through the radio in the ears of her headphones as he whizzed past her on the track. 

"I'm okay!" She replied with chattering teeth whist sheltering the mic from the wind so her response was even in the slightest bit coherent. 

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