Move to You

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Utahime ~
Gojo called her .

Gojo :- Utahime are you nervous about something. Don't tell me you're afraid of this mission.

Utahime:- ughhh! I'm not afraid, I'm totally fine. I was just thinking that I have to go with you...

Gojo:- pleasure is mine,senpai *he smirked*

Utahime:- are you serious!

Change in scenario:-

Utahime and Shoko was talking
Shoko:- so senpai you're asking me to come with you?

Utahime:- we 3 can be assign to this one case can't we?

* she put a cigarette from her pocket and lit it, she started smoking it. *

Shoko:- senpai, I can't go with you, I am ordered to not go in dangerous mission.

Besides that Gojo can be a little annoying but he's the strongest so you really don't have to think about anything.

Utahime:- uhh!! I know that but when he's near me my heart just..

Shoko:- hmm? Did you say anything?

Utahime:- I said you should quit smoking.

Shoko:- senpai,you know that my work is really heavy,I need these to continue.

Utahime:- uhh I can't with you.

The NEXT day --- a car came to Utahime home, Gojo was inside the car,he opened the door. Gojo screamed Utahime.

Gojo:- utahime senpai!!!! I'm here.

Like it's another way of gojo to get attention.

Utahime was not ready she was typing her hair, oh gosh did the idiot came to pick me.
Utahime:- Gojo!! I never asked you to come.

Gojo:- senpai we have work. Oyye senpai

Utahime:- he's still calling me senpai. I know I'm his senpai but it's weird.

Gojo walked inside her home. A servent came.

Gojo:- where is Utahime senpai he asked the servent.

Servent:- Gojo san! Utahime ojosan is getting ready please sit here, I will bring you some tea.

Gojo:- oh! Tell her to hurry.

Servent:- yes sir.

Utahime just right then walked downstairs from her room.

Utahime:- Gojo!!! I never said you can come to my home!

Gojo:- senpai you're ready... Come on we have so important mission today. You can't relax.

Utahime knew that Gojo can finish this case in minutes.he was just teasing her.

Suddenly Iori clan head come to their room, which is her grandfather.

*Iori Mikanawa*

Grandfather arrived the room:- oh So you're Gojo san ! Pleasure to meet you. I'm Iori Mikanawa.

Gojo stands up:- Hi! I know you I've heard about you.
Utahime:- yahh! Gojo can't you be more polite.

Grandfather:- oh you don't need to be,the strongest Gojo Satoru don't need to be polite.

Gojo smirks.

Utahime:- grandfather why you are here anyway?

Grandfather:- oh about your mission,I heard the details and it was some temple right.

Utahime:- yes it's an abandoned shrine. We have a report saying it was founded cursed for 15 years.

Grandfather:- hmm... Well the shrine was under Iori family 15 years ago, your father used to conduct rituals in that shrine.

Utahime:- why are you bringing dad here?
She suddenly started shivering..."what don't tell me this "
Utahime said.

Grandfather:- your father died at this temple while he was... performing a ritual.And I think the reason for the curse is your father. He was performing rituals which can be connected to the dead,so he committed a great sin.

Utahime couldn't stand still and The ground slipped beneath the feet.

Grandfather:- Utahime! Brace yourself .
I also came to know this years later and now you have this mission assigned.

Utahime:- grandfather you said my father died in an accident? Why did you hide this for so many years.

Grandfather:- not many people know this either. He did a great sin . We can't let the world know about this.

Utahime:- Gojo can you please let me exorcis this curse.

Gojo:- I can't just sit behind! I am also assigned to this.

Gojo knew that Utahime may weaken.

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