Say My Name

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Gojo was standing on the altar. Gojo's fiance was looking immensely beautiful in her white gown. The vail that touched the ground.
Her grandfather was walking her in the aisle.

Everyone around them was just mesmerized by the beauty of the couple .

Then Priest started saying the vows
Gojo Satoru, do you take [Utahime Iori] to be your lawfully wedded wife?
do promise to love and cherish her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?

Gojo:- I do.

Iori Utahime do you take Gojo Satoru to be your lawfully wedded husband]? do promise to love and cherish him, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?

Utahime:- I do.

Congratulations you're now husband and wife.

They both looked at each other. Both were nervous. They have so many questions in their mind, but for now they have to smile for everyone else.

It was time to throw the bouquet. She had no sister to catch that,so she thought it will be just some random flip.

She threw the bouquet and it straight went to shoko's lap.

Everyone laughed...the scenario was confusing to Shoko.
Shoko:- whaa?? Ughhh that's why I hate wedding.

Utahime:- Congratulations Shoko.

Shoko:- Huhh!! Senpai congratulations to you.

Finally they moved to the reception hall, everyone ate there.

The day was over.
Everyone left home one by one.suguru come to Utahime.
Suguru:- Utahime! Why are you looking down.

Utahime:- oh I'm not sad, it's just It's all new life and everything.

Suguru:- Utahime, Satoru is a good guy,why don't you try to believe in him.
He will make you happy.

Utahime:- I know that,I know but....

Miko came to meet Utahime...
Miko:- Senpai!! I'm so glad to see you.. I was so worried about the contract things but shoko san said it's all over.

Utahime:- Miko, slowly nobody should hear this.

Utahime told Miko that the contract earlier was unnecessary and now it's a real wedding.
So that less people know about the contract .

Miko:- senpai so you're going to live in Gojo san's home if I'm not wrong.

Utahime:- Gojo's grandmother is giving us a flat in Tokyo so we'll be living there I guess. It's pretty close to the academy so he doesn't have to travel much.

Miko:- I think GOJO san is calling you?

Utahime:- what...she turned around.

Utahime:- Gojo you called me?

Gojo:- Umm yes the guests are leaving so we should also leave.

Utahime grandmother came to them to bid farewell.

Grandfather:- Satoru... Please take a good care of my granddaughter. She has a bad temper please co operate with her.

Grandmother:- In future please don't leave our daughter. She has never received her mother's love. She may took some time to adjust but please don't hurt her ever.

Gojo was standing there and listening to them carefully. Now he realised that how big of a deal it is.

Gojo:- I can't promise you,that is will make Utahime happy. But I sure can promise you I will do whatever I can do .

Saying that Gojo and Utahime left for there new apartment, everyone bid goodbye to them.

They reached their home. It was empty only some important things were there.

Utahime:- Gojo you wash up first , I will go later.

Gojo saw her and smiled,"Utahime, there are two washroom we can use them".

Utahime:- uh oh I didn't knew.

They both wash up. Now it's a great task to sleep.
And went to separate rooms.

Utahime '- I can't believe I am married to Him. That day when I proposed,I didn't thought about this. What should I do? I still love him but why am I the only one who hurts every time.

The Next Morning

Gojo came down waking up.. Utahime was preparing for their meal for breakfast.

Utahime:- Gojo you should eat I have to visit my grandmother today.

Gojo went close to Utahime and said "When will you start calling me by my first name?"

Utahime blushed her cheeks were cherry red.
She didn't thought about this.

Gojo:- now that you're also Gojo,why don't you try to call me Satoru instead. It would be easier for my family to believe  us .

Utahime:- well we'll talk about that later right now I need to meet my grandmother. it...

She somehow managed to escape from the question.

Her grandmother finally gave her the copies of her mother's note, which has all the rituals that can reverse every curse.

Grandma:- my daughter, please be careful while using them. Your mother could have done these things easily but you are a lot weaker than her.

Utahime;- if only mother was here she could have helped me.

Grandmother:- your mother was never meant for a family life that's why she never stayed with us.

Utahime;- I don't resent her, but she could have atleast attended my wedding.

Utahime went back to her home to learn all those rituals. Some of them were already know by her.

Utahime:- thank God Gojo's not home. He would have created disturbance.

Practicing for almost 2 weeks now .

Gojo never at home he's either at school or in the hospital.

Utahime understand obviously since the sukuna kid has came he's really very busy.

Utahime also joined the Tokyo high for 3rd year students only so she also sometimes go there.

Gojo one day at home:-

Utahime! Are you busy?
Utahime:- no what happened?

Gojo:- The principal was thinking about a school exchange programme,are you willing to guide the students of Kyoto High?

Utahime;- Gojo you know I'm busy give this task to mein mei or Geto!

Gojo:- Utahime!
Utahime:- what?

Gojo:- it's been 2 weeks,you still call me Gojo?

Utahime:- hmmm! Is that even matter.

GOJO;- of course it does my granny was scolding me for this.

Utahime:- I'll try
Gojo:- Say my name than.. he said teasingly (he knew Utahime will not take his first name)

Utahime:- hmm....Satoru..or Satoru san...maybe Satoru Kun...or maybe only Satoru just like you call me . Satoru...

Gojo blushed hard, he didn't realise that it would sound so good.

Gojo:- umm well do whatever you were doing I shall go now and he left the home.

Utahime blushed after he left the home .
Utahime:- oh God! Why it's so hard to call him by his name.

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