Who are you - 1

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Utahime realised as soon as she woke up,what happened last night.

Utahime chose to be Nora around him. And see it just as a one night stand .

Utahime searching for gojo but he was not in the house.

She made a strong decision that it will not be talked.

Today she had to perform one more time.

She went to the hospital. She was hoping that Gojo will not be there.

She reached the hospital Geto was there.

Geto:- oh you're here.

Utahime:- yes was I late..

Geto:- no we just got here.

Utahime:- we? Is Gojo's also here?
Geto:- well you see,
Someone came from behind...
Senpai! It's me Miko...

""I  came with him, actually I picked him up from the road."

Utahime:- from the roads?

Geto:- she means I was also coming here.

Utahime:- oh umm great to see you,I thought you left for Singapore.

She hugged her.

Hey" shoko called them.

"Come here soon. She's doing much much better and also she's reciprocating to the medicine which is wonderful " shoko said.

Utahime:- wahh this ritual is really effective. I should get started.

Rumi:- Wait! But Gojo sir isn't here?

Utahime was asked by shoko where is he?

Geto answer to that, he had to go on a important mission.

Utahime thought "he didn't even bother to tell me!?"

Geto:- Utahime he told me,to tell you but I'm sorry I forgot.

Utahime:- no no it's fine. He should have just told me himself.

Shoko:- hmmmm!! Senpai,are you getting a salty!

Utahime got surprised by her question.."wait no way "

Rumi came to Utahime "ma'am you have a scare on your neck ,is that the ritual effect?"

Everyone than focuses on that.

Shoko "wait let me see"

Utahime:- shoko,, it's not that important, shall we move on.

Shoko:- Senpai you have redness in your neck area as well...is something wrong...ohh wait isn't it...(The moment of realisation of her)

Utahime closed her mouth... '"I'm telling you it's nothing let's go"

Shoko whispered in the year "well I guess it was not that bad isn't it".

Utahime became embarrassed she wasn't even able to stand straight.

Shoko:- Senpai start the ritual.

She performed the whole thing for more than 2 hours today.

After that,Miko drives her to the academy.

Miko:- Senpai,do you think Riko san will be okay.

Utahime:- I think, because I've heard so many people telling,that my mother healed them.

Miko :- Do you know where your mother is ?

Utahime:- God knows that woman love to travel the world, probably roaming around somewhere.

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