A Sweet Meeting

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Now that both Gojo  and Suguru were assigned to safely escort Riko Amanai to Tengen. They became very busy. Utahime rarely sees Gojo. He's always with Amanai and Geto.

They go to Amanai school together for her protection.

One day shoko came to Utahime:-
Utahime was sitting on that perticular chair on the stadium. She was just sitting there for hours.

Shoko:- Senpai!

Utahime startled,"oh ! Shoko"

What are you doing here, shoko.
Shoko:- I was searching for you the whole school but you're here in the stadium .

Utahime :- oh! I'm sorry. We didn't have classes today.I was called by the principal.

Shoko:- Senpai you're looking a little Down these days.

Utahime:- no not at all just all the paperwork the principal gave me.

Shoko:- oh do you need help?

Utahime:- shoko I'm doing just fine.it will be finished within some day.

Shoko:- so what did he say?

Utahime:- who?

Shoko:- Gojo? You didn't ask him out?

Utahime became red like an cherry,she was not ready for this question.

Utahime:- hmm what will he say.. I didn't ask him anything.

Shoko:- are you sure.
Utahime;- of course I am.

Shoko:- what did principal said then.

Utahime:- he said because I will be graduating soon,I should get shifted to Kyoto school as a teacher, he said I'm more fitting for the teachers role. So i shall start my career as a teacher.  But he asked my permission for that.

Shoko:- so ! What did you think off.

Utahime:- I don't know yet. Should I?

Shoko:- well that's totally up to you. But I was here to invite you for a holiday.

Utahime;- holiday out of sudden?

Shoko:- You won't like hearing this,but Gojo ,Geto and I planned to go on a trip to beach.
Utahime:- you three? So why I?

Shoko:- you know About Riko right?

Utahime:- right! I've heard about her.
Shoko:- she wanted to go to the beach.

Utahime:- oh.... So why you're inviting me?

Shoko:- well I want that you should change weather.

Utahime:- Shall I go? When you guys are going?

Shoko:- yes yes you should. We're going after 2 days you'll come with me I'll pick you up.

Utahime:-  no one will say anything right. I mean What Gojo said?

Shoko:- Senpai you're coming with me . I don't need his permission.

Utahime:- hmm Okay let's go then.

Shoko:- yes yes yes.

Utahime:- Okay let's meet then.

After 2 days shoko came to Utahime's home.

Shoko entered the house and asked for Utahime.

Utahime 's grandfather came.

Grandfather:- Utahime your friend had come here.

Utahime:- I'm coming, hey shoko. You're here.

Shoko:- we all have to get into Gojo's car and we'll go together.

Utahime:- bye Gramps.

Utahime and shoko Came outside the house.
Shoko:- I called Gojo to come to your home so he knows you're coming.

After calling Gojo for 9th time he finally came to the address.

Gojo's driver was with them.
Gojo open the window

Gojo with his black shades and beach outfits looking just fine.

Gojo:- hey Utahime! How are you doing?

Utahime:- why you guys are so late. I'm sure it was your fault.

Gojo:- I'm not at fault Geto was late,he was grooming his hair for way too long.

Geto:- ohh ! When did I do this?Shoko you sit and Senpai don't listen to him.

Utahime and shoko get in the car.

Geto introduced Riko to Utahime

Amanai She is Utahime Iori, Utahime  she is Riko Amanai.

Amanai:- hey Iori san .

Utahime:- hi Amanai san.

Gojo:- so you met each other,now let's go go to the beach.

Shoko:- oh shut up,will you.

Utahime:- shoko! Where are we staying.

Utahime:- oh it's a resort and we'll be staying in one room. .

Riko:- like we three.
Shoko:- yes why not! Is there a problem?

Riko:- no I have no problem I was just asking.

Utahime and Riko had nothing in common and didn't knew how to start conversation.

Gojo turn on the radio. It was sports commentry on baseball came up. Gojo changes the channel.

Utahime and Riko together said," wait! Stop"

Gojo:- what what?

They looked at each other.

Utahime to Gojo wait don't change the commentry.

Riko to gojo,'right don't change the commentry I didn't get to saw the latest match."

Utahime,"right also the match was international league "

Riko:-  I know right!

Utahime:- are you a baseball fan?

Riko:- oh yes! I'm crazy for baseball and you.
Utahime:- me too?
And then riko and Utahime started talking about baseball like anything else.

Gojo and the two were surprised to see that they became friends within seconds.

Shoko:- Riko I'm glad you like our senpai.

Gojo:- Utahime is crazy for baseball. Even one time she was playing baseball and I throw ball just on her face..ha ha ha .

Utahime:- oh Gojo please,that ball didn't hit me. I dodged it.

Gojo:- yah yah sure  .

Utahime:- well Amanai san who's you favourite player?

Amanai answered to that and they reached to the resort just talking like that.

Geto:- Satoru you go Last. I'm sensing some evil energy here! Do you?

Gojo:- Suguru , I think I can also sense some,buy it's not near and we have four sorcerer here don't need to worry.

As they say they left the car and went straight to their rooms.

Its late toady so they will only do dinner togather and call it a day.

They did their dinner after the girls went to their rooms.

Gojo and Geto left behind to ensure everything ia safe.

Nothing is fine until Amanai is sent to Tengen.

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